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I make no apologies for admitting that I'm not a sports fan at all but whilst I can appreciate the entertainment value of say a game of football, just what is it that attracts so many people to the disgusting and barabaric spectacle of 2 men attempting to beat each other into unconciousness.

Is it something primeval perhaps, I just don't get it, sorry. 

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Did I hear right that the RH "fans" booed the American National Anthem ?

I'm not a particular fan of the US but that is beyond the pale and if true is both grossly disrespectful and utterly unacceptable and I'm glad he lost [:@]


I'm surprised that you seem surprised Ernie - this is the 21st century after all. Long ago I stopped being bothered or even caring about the antics of so called sports fans.



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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Did I hear right that the RH "fans" booed the American National Anthem ?

I'm not a particular fan of the US but that is beyond the pale and if true is both grossly disrespectful and utterly unacceptable and I'm glad he lost [:@]


I'm surprised that you seem surprised Ernie - this is the 21st century after all. Long ago I stopped being bothered or even caring about the antics of so called sports fans.



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