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New garden entreprise asks advice...

Ty Korrigan

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Hello...I pay myself 8euros per hour which is around 12euros including the social charges. If I bought a new Renault van for 20k a highsided trailer 3k to carry the mowers and cart away materials, 3 in all 10k and thats bloody cheap too! I have an   investment   figure of 35k.I must recupurate the cost of this in order to buy new replacements after 10years.

As my effective working season is 30 weeks I calculate 30weeks x 10 years divided by 35k= 117 which if then divided by the client hours I work on average say 30 gives me a figure of 4euros in order to recuperate the investment.

Fuel,accountant,repairs,publicity on prime time.... and also growth of business in terms of machinery and size need a profit margin.

I believe that if you not only can do the job well but look smart with good clean machinery then clients will pay a little more for the peace of mind/proffessional image.

What do you lot think...?

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I agree with you.  From experience, if a new client sees you have a good image, good machinery, you do a good job, and I feel, very importantly, you are reliable, they will pay a little bit more.  As long as it is not over the top.  My husband did landscaping/gardening in the UK for a number of years and did just that and he wasn't out of work for a day.  I know it's different over here, but you just need to get a good client base and the word will get around quickly that you're legal, reliable etc etc.

We're going to the CCI on Thursday with a french speaking friend to sort out starting the business.  The accountant has suggested going the micro-enterprise route - from your experience is this the best option do you think?  We're hoping not to go over the 27K turnover limit. He will just work by himself and won't be employing anyone.

Good luck...

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Had to laugh.

How the hell do you look smart whilst gardening? Have you really tried strimming during the summer months and retaining some dignity? The visor makes my (longish) hair stick to me, I have sweat pouring down my face, neck, back etc and my protective clothes stick to me. I usually end up covered in green slush cos folks let their nettles and weeds grow long and oh, I could go on and on......Mind you, if I only have to sit on a ride on and go up and down and round and round, and not bother strimming the edges or around the trees, I can at least look clean, but smart?? Jamais!! Last year I strimmed an overgrown part of garden whilst my client was entertaining friends in another part. They all came and watched hot sweaty me, and clapped!! It was only when I was unhooking the strimmer from its harness that I realised my shirt was undone and a boob was hanging out.

OMG after that little episode I nearly chucked my chosen career and got a job in a shop!

I think you should focus on charging a realistic rate, being reliable and trustworthy rather than having the very latest expensive equipment and looking smart!!

Good luck.. PS mickyjim, if you are going down the micro entreprise route, like me, don't waste your money on an accountant - there is no need, c'est tres simple!
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I left myself open to that from Zeb! By smart I rather mean't an obvious uniform rather than jeans and old Led zepplin t shirt and a clean tidy vehicle/tools... wouldn't have minded seeing Zebs 'little boob' though... or not so little...prehaps... She is very right about the rest and I take it on board. Cheers 'm' dears! Stuart X
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