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September while the soil is warm is best time to both seed and lay turf, spring being the other option.  Definitely not now!

With luck in September sowing/laying you'll get a bit of rain to save having to water, otherwise it's essential to do so until they get a grip. 

Did they not germinate at all?  Maybe you have been sold a load of old seed.  It's normally no harder to grow from seed than it is to get turf to take without cracking.  Germination usually takes 10-14 days and a decent covering 3-4 weeks.

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It was April that we seeded the garden and as we aren't living there a friend was looking after it so when it hadn't grow at all after a month he bought some more seed and did it again, but all we have are clumps of weeds.  It looks like we'll just have to try again in September.


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If you are doing seed again, make sure it's from a good source.  It's very odd that none germinated.  Weeds you expect but they gradually go once you start regular cutting.

One way to avoid weeds is to prepare the surface as normal (work over, level, tread with heels, lightly rake and remove surface stones) then let it lie for a couple of weeks.  Zap the baby weeds with a contact weedkiller and gently rake them out a couple of days later, once dead.  Or hoe them out, trying to disturb the soil as little as possible.  Sow the seed and lightly rake in.  Some people like to run a light roller over to put the seed in better soil contact but I've never bothered.  Water well but don't flood.  Keep watered - young grass dies very quickly in dry weather.  Once the new grass is 5cm high cut it to 3 cm with a rotary mower (not a cylinder).

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MMMM! Interesting Cassis, thanks for the link. To be honest after reading that I think I've changed my mind. I think the more prudent route would be to research the seed that is most suited to my area. The prep will be good and watering won't be a problem next year as we've a source. Thanks again. Back to square one!


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Yeah, I have a real problem with the annual seed, if sowing in Autumn I wonder if it would reach it's full potential before dormancy. OK I know it's a Yank forum but enough doubts were raised. Nope I'm not going to risk it. Instead I'll feret out someone who can better advise me. Although it does get quite dry here during the summer I often see some good looking and healthy lawns so someone has found an appropriate mix!


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Cassis. I see from your Avatar that you have achieved Saintood!

Either that or you have become a spy of some sort. Hard to imagine that, with your distinctive appearance.

So, how did you do it? Did you finish the back wall or something?

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I finished the back wall a fortnight ago and have started on the first gable end - I reckon two more days of hacking out and I'll be ready to start refilling if the whole lot doesn't fall down first.

If you see Miki's avatar it may give you a clue to my current disguise.  Or it may not unless both your knowledge of football is extensive and you can recognise the main character in Miki's avatar from that tiny image.  Either way, very clever of you to recognise me underneath my disguise.  What gave me away?

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[quote user="Cassis"]
If you see Miki's avatar it may give you a clue to my current disguise.  Or it may not unless both your knowledge of football is extensive and you can recognise the main character in Miki's avatar from that tiny image.  Either way, very clever of you to recognise me underneath my disguise.  What gave me away?

Mmm, no I can't make out the tiny footballers in Mikis Avatar. They may as well be Subuteo men.

However, at a guess it is Jimmy Greaves (because it nearly always is!) and the link may be that Miki wants him Sainted, as well as Knighted for his miracles on the field of play[:D]

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[quote user="Cassis"]Close but no cigar.  Think 2 TV footie pundits,  S**** and G*******.


Is that sainty and greaves? or some one like that Still havnt a clue..............unless your sainty and hes greaves[Www]

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Teaming up with the former Tottenham and England maestro in 1984 was the best move I ever made after joining Liverpool in '61. 

Greavesie never made a pass, unfortunately.  Not like Ian Callaghan in '65, anyway. 

"Oh when the Saints... Go marching in ... ". 

Those were the days.  Cardigans for goalposts. 

Is my cover holding up?

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But yes!  The much adored Saint did indeed score with a header to bring the FA Cup to Anfield in 1965.  And I am the spitting image, am I not?  We could be twins.

  Me                                  Ian St John

[img]http://www.liverpoolfc.tv/team/past_players/players/stjohn/images/profile.jpg[/img]               [IMG]http://i68.photobucket.com/albums/i26/cassiscassis/sausageball.jpg[/IMG]

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