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Drying Figs


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Hello Effie

We live about 10 miles noth of Launceston, Where were you?

Lollie I cant see they will hurt it they stay, but just to be save in case its a bug of some kind, are they just not getting old? I know I have a few brown spots myself[:)]

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Well we moved around a bit...(as is our wont...I think we must have gypsy blood in our veins!) We started in Penryn near Falmouth...then went to St Day near Redruth...and finally ended up just outside Truro in a place called Chacewater.

We've been in Norfolk for 12 years and have moved five times...I'm from an army background so I suppose that's where this constant need to move on stems from.

We used to visit  Trago Mills...that's not too far from Launceston is it?



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