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A quick bit of Googling has me more confused.  It seems that wee from pre 'change' ladies contains Oestrogen which is bad for the environment and shouldn't go on compost heapsas it could lead to harmfull levels etc. BUT there also seems to be a school of thought that composting breaks down Oestrogen.  It's academic for me, the OH would never pee on the compost anyway.

Funny the subjects we get around here innit?

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I believe it's only if you're on the pill that it can cause a problem, as the artificial hormones don't break down in the same way and have been proved to affect virility in fish, even if effluent is treated before being put into the rivers.
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Our composter is far too high for me to even consider peeing in - my husband could probably manage it were it not in full view of the neighbours' garden! That aside, I too have read that it can only do compost good and am sure girls' pee is a good as boys' if it is added at a proportionate rate to other stuff.  If you like the idea of fertilising your own garden then apparently if you put a bale of hay in you garden and encourage passing males to pee on it it turns into fabby compost. Far away from eating areas is probably a good idea and I reckon girls can participate if they want to gather it in buckets or are feeling particularly athletic.

I add nettles just the way there are and they seem to break down fine and make nice compost, again when mixed with a good mixture of peelings, other weeds, chicken pooh, sawdust (non chemical), eggshells etc.  I also chuck in the odd dead mouse brought in by the cats and it all seems to come out the same.

Happy peeing,



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[quote user="hoverfrog"]I believe it's only if you're on the pill that it can cause a problem, as the artificial hormones don't break down in the same way and have been proved to affect virility in fish, even if effluent is treated before being put into the rivers.[/quote]

Who puts their compost in rivers, or have I missed the point?

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I leave peeing on the compost heap to the males of the household - although I do recall a discussion on the newsgroup uk.rec.gardening many years ago that had links to websites with instructions to females on how to pee standing up for this very purpose!

The info on inorganic oestrogen was from a scientific article (I think in New Scientist), also quite a few years ago... the problem was that river water is re-used numerous times between source and the sea, and treatment did not remove the artificial hormones which was proved to have an effect on fish.

You see, there really is nothing new under the sun!! :)

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