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Christmas tree very brown


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We have a well established Christmas tree in a circular area not surounded by any other trees or plants.

However, the last few weeks the spines on the tree have turned very brown, as if lack of watering, but this isn't the issue as we have been watering every other day during the last few weeks of our very hot, dry weather.

This is the first year it has gone like this, last year was also hot and it was ok.

Could it be something else other than lack of water? Too much water? Disease?

Thanks for help
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We have a patch of pine woodland here in france and have had unexplained tree deaths for a few years.

Unless you have a scientific investigation carried out on the tree to find out the problem it's safe to assume that it one of the many diseases listed here:-


We lost a lovely 60 foot Cedar to some sort of disease this year, in a matter of a couple of months, suspected to be this nematode worm infection:-

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