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Cowboy Clients - Arghhh!


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Client emailed late last night from the UK to cancel a largish job that we were due to start today, due to a major domestic problem!

I've just managed to cancel the huge delivery which was being made first thing this morning (our builder's merchants were remarkably nice about it, so maybe they are used to this sort of thing), and put off the labourer (who wasn't remarkably nice about it).

The small deposit for the first tranch of work has been banked.........do we keep it? I'm really tempted to.......

We'd turned down/put back other work as this job was going to take a few weeks, so if any of you need a general builder urgently in North 16......

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I agree keep the money. Perhaps it's lucky in a way because assuming you gave the client a Devis or estimate you might now like to add something along the lines of 'If you decide to cancel the job within 7 working days of the agreed start date the deposit becomes none returnable. Likewise you will also be liable for the payment of any factures for goods and materisals due for delivery in the event they cannot be cancelled', well something along those lines to all your future devis and estimates.

Bet there was some choice language when the email arrived [:D] .

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Absolutely, keep it. Then insist on a start date with another deposit.

This has happened to me once. By threatening to sue, I managed to get a total of 25% cancellation fee - 15% of the total devis on top of the 10% I had already received - I didn't make any money, as I had nothing to replace the job with immediately (got lots done to my house, however!).


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Thanks for the replies folks.

Yes, I emailed the guy and told him that we were keeping the deposit due to financial loss (running around doing the devis, ordering materials, paying the labourer, paying ourselves etc etc) and haven't heard a word from him.

I think he's back in the UK and wifey is in the house with a "friend". Whether they have sorted out getting the work done (cheaper) another way, I don't know and I don't particularly care - I'm not going back there! It was only by chance that we looked at the emails late the other night. A bit cowardly as he has our phone number.

Luckily, I mentioned it to someone in the village and they have asked us to do some work immediately. I've also got a load of jobs to finish around the house Nick, so maybe it's a blessing.......
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