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Bank charges for professional account


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Hi all,

I've just had a quote from the bank for a carte bleu, having now decided I need one after all, for my business. They want more than twice the amount we pay for our two cards on our private account.  Is this normal? 

The bank guy spent ages tapping away on his computer, in order to come up with the quote - it didn't seem to be a straightforward tarrif consultation. Do they charge according to turnover ?


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Hi, for that very reason, we just opened a separate personal account with our bank (La Poste) and at the moment, we're just using it with cheques for the business (to pay all the monthly accounts0 and one prelevment for the accountant! C'est gratuit!! May be we'll need a carte bleu some time soon for convenience but the charge will only be the same as the card on our other personal account.
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Thanks for your replies so far.  We were advised by the accountant to keep personal & professional accounts separate.  Seems to have worked ok so far, except for this proposed charge.

Is there no-one out there who does have a prof a/c with a cb who could tell me how much they pay for it - just to compare?

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Yes Bastet, we have kept personal and business acounts separate otherwise it would be a muddle. But why pay more charges to the bank than necessary? We just have two separate accounts, one in joint names for personal stuff and one in MOH's name for the business stuff, from which we pay ourselves wages. If the bank looked at the cheques and payments they would know it's used for our business only, but it doesn't seem to concern them or our accountant.
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We don't "get away" with anything actually.

There is no legal requirement to have seperate personal and business accounts. Naturally an accountant would advise seperate accouns...it makes his job simpler!

Anyone with basic bookeeping skills can work out which deposit/payment is business and which is not, it's hardly rocket science!!

Having had businesses in several countries we always adopt a policy of using the service which is the most economcal (and also legal) for the business.

In actual fact, in a microbic, it is you personally who are the business anyway.


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We don't "get away" with anything actually.

There is no legal requirement to have seperate personal and business accounts. Naturally an accountant would advise seperate accouns...it makes his job simpler!

Anyone with basic bookeeping skills can work out which deposit/payment is business and which is not, it's hardly rocket science!!

Having had businesses in several countries we always adopt a policy of using the service which is the most economcal (and also legal) for the business. We don't use an accountant, and yes, my OH has been in business here for several years now.

In actual fact, in a microbic, it is you personally who are the business anyway.


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51€ pa is half the amount quoted by CM for my cb. How interesting  As a newby to my own business, it was also easier for me to keep accounts separate but I can see what you're saying about having an extra "personal" account for business.

For various historic reasons, our personal account is with a bank 30 miles from where we live, but when I started the business, it seemed logical to go local.  Maybe I was just naive in telling the bank it was for a business.    I'll look at some of the other banks charges and consider changing.  Thanks for your input.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Our bank has the cheek to charge us for informing us we have had a credit paid in.  We know anyway [:@] as we have internet banking with the account but they insist on sending us a letter and charging for it. Now they have charged us for practically everything except the cheque book.


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[quote user="spg"][quote user="Georgina"]

Now they have charged us for practically everything except the cheque book. [/quote]

In your circumstances I think I would change my bank!

Sue [blink]




Please give me a referral for a business account, mind!! I thought they were all the same.



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