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Uk Tax on Letting - can anybody help


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Hi there

Have just joined about 2 mins ago !

My wife and i bought a house in Pas De Calais ( 62 ) last month.

It was and still is on a long term rental to a local.

Anybody any ideas as to the best book, leaflets etc etc to read as for dealing with the UK tax implications of this rental income, mainly what can we claim as allowable expenses etc.

Kind regards and many thanks for your help


Dundee, Scotland

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Welcome to the Forum ...

With regards to your UK tax position, your best source of information is the HMRC website - www.hmrc.gov.uk - the "foreign" pages cover in great detail what is and is not allowable in terms of expenses etc.



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I should have added that the UK tax treatment of income/allowances from foreign property - assuming as usual that you are UK resident AND DOMICILED (hence this does not apply to those from the Republic of Ireland/US/etc who may be UK resident but not UK domiciled) is pretty much the same as for UK-located buy-to-let with the proviso that tax paid in France on the income can be offset against your UK tax liability on that income.



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