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Long Term Incapacity Benefit and Medicals in France


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I'm sure this has been debated before, but the people who receive ICB are, or were, taxpayers too. Whether they live in UK or France they are still incapable of work.

The origianl thread was about medicals; if you wish to argue the toss about who should receive what, or just have a sour grapes moan, why not start a new thread?

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Nevertheless it will be interesting to see how people living abroad, but receiving UK benefits will be treated.

The government’s new proposals are based on the idea that though someone is suffering from some form of incapacity, they should not be excluded from society simply because of that. The aim will be through a series of regular interviews and retraining to find a new role that they are capable of fulfilling, despite their health problems.

The compulsory interviews will naturally take account of the individual’s medical reports.

If a claimant didf not attend then benefit woiuld still be payable but would be reduced by £20 per week.

Given the high number of "stress" based claims once the benefits of living in France kick in, I would expect here to be a number of interesting interviews.

Never mind they are only proposals at present!



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They are NOT just "proposals at the moment" - these re-training interviews are now an integral part of the review system plus mandatory for new claimants in many regions (designated as "pilots" - just happens that there are more pilots than not nowadays!!).

IMO it's a cynical political move as numbers claiming Incap can now be reduced by declaring many people as fit for work and moving them over to the Dole Queue (as the numbers claiming Unemployment Benefit are no longer high & u/e is no longer a political hot potato).

I read with interest the niggardly posting from the person who does not think the British Taxpayer should pay for Incap paid to those living in the EEC - I wonder how the same person feels about his taxes being paid to run most of the DWP functions from overseas in the future? This morning  friend sent me details of a leaked DWP memo, part of which reads:-

"The leaked memo has emerged as 90,000 DWP staff prepare to stage a two-day strike from Thursday over job cuts. The memo, addressed to the DWP's security team says: "In line with the continuing need to reduce costs, proposals are being made by service providers to undertake work for or on behalf of the Department overseas. "This could involve the transfer of part or even all of the functions of a DWP area of business that would previously have been located in the UK to a centre located outside the UK."

P.S. Donna  - have sent you a long email inc details of the points system.

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IMO it's a cynical political move as numbers claiming Incap can now be reduced by declaring many people as fit for work and moving them over to the Dole Queue (as the numbers claiming Unemployment Benefit are no longer high & u/e is no longer a political hot potato).

Whereas in the days of Mrs T it was a cynical move in the opposite direction, with carrot of higher benefit payments added in.

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