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lactose free milk


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Can anyone help please. On our last visit to France we were unable to find anywhere that supplied lactose free milk, my partner is lactose inntolerant and whilst it is available in most of the major supermarkets in the UK, our searching in France was frustraiting to say the least.

I expect to move to Dept 19 early in 2008.

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We had the same problem with our youngest.  All the supermarkets stock soya (Fr: soja) milk, but it may not necessarily be where the rest of the milk is!  We often found it in the health  food sections.  It is sold in those rectangular cartons rather than bottles.  Usually 1 - 1.20€ / ltr.  Seems popular because our local supermarket was often sold out.

As an aside, we found the supermarkets here stocked a greater variety of soya products (yoghurts etc.) than in the UK.


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