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Long rental carcassonne region


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Over my hang over !![:-))] You joking Im home and I still have a head ache[:(]

I know now why your called twinkle !! cos your a little star[:D] The gig was fantasic !! Did I really ask the drummer ?? I thought I only said that to you .... oppps was he mad ? God me and my mouth a few beers and Im anyones !!

Chateu Miow and I had a great time , I think I managed to keep her up most of the night to , OH yes... Madame  C Miow how did my phone start ribbiting like a frog in the builders yard the next day ????[;-)]  

Mmmm that one one bottle of wine down by the lake was very nice wasnt it ?[;-)] Does that explain why I was out side the next day in my PJs on back to front and inside out ?? the wood man in the village hasnt stopped asking after the beeeeutifullll femme in the la voiture rouge all week [8-)] what did you do to him !!

It was great to meet you all cant wait for next time. I had so much fun

Lunch on Tuesday was loverly Johnzob where were we ? can I have the address for next time ?

Right im just about  to peel my cat off my arm and go to bed  

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Glad to here that you got back safely P, and that you had a good time yet again. Good to see you. The place was Chataeu de Penautier and I must admit that we liked it too, as always. We got to Chataeu de Cavanac last night and after a 3 1/2 hour meal were VERY satisfied with it. We want to go back on a 2 weak rotor (not a smelling mastike) to get through the rest of the menu, good stuff! Next time you are over we hope for lunch at Chez Nous??!

Just had a dispairing call from sis-in-law to "get a thing from above the bed 'cause it's got too many legs". It was only a small centipede!!!

Meanwhile my bed calls!!

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[quote user="Pads"]

 the wood man in the village hasnt stopped asking after the beeeeutifullll femme in the la voiture rouge all week [8-)] what did you do to him !!


It's the old chestnut about the woodcutter and the fairy again Pads[:)]

You made a comical picture the next day with your jimjams on the wrong way - I'll never forget it!!!

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