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Long rental carcassonne region


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Oh dear, losing the count now? It's 3 daze!

If you are that good a singer then try to stear clear of Chile and their volcano for a bit or you could be accused of even more CO2 being put into our atmosphere?

I wonder what the anti CO2 fanatiks are saying about that?[6]

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3 daze yippee..... have you sorted the weather yet ? shorts or brolly ? Actully my bag is so full of tat that I dont have room for clothes so Im hoping I have left some suitable clothing out there. Or I will be wearing wot I arrive in for 10 days!! or go shopping maybe [:-))] 
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[quote user="Pads"]3 daze yippee..... have you sorted the weather yet ? shorts or brolly ? Actully my bag is so full of tat that I dont have room for clothes so Im hoping I have left some suitable clothing out there. Or I will be wearing wot I arrive in for 10 days!! or go shopping maybe [:-))] [/quote]

Pads, brolly for some/most of your trip is in order (I think) but latest Meteo shows dry/mild on Tues.  Looking forward to coffee in Carca then.

Shopping def in order during your trip + I'm on call for trips to Carca/Castel/Toulouse - just let me know when!!

A mardi!




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Miaou ...Im still up for a days shopping in Toulouse...... My kind of day[:D] hows wednesday or thursday for you ? Havnt been to Castel whats that like ?

Twinkle I have tipped off the press they will be waiting in the square for some photos of that .You will need to change before going to my village you will give the old guys a heart attack , they get all leery when I go past in knee length shorts [:-))]

Are we all going to see twinks sing ? Was it Thursday night ?   Im really looking forward to that , whoes bringing the tomatoes [Www]

Johnzob Im relying on you to sort that weather I know you wont let me down. [blink]

Cant beleive im leaving a heat wave here !![:(]

Whoes bringing the birthday cake ?[:$]

only 2 days I's a coming !!!![kiss]

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Off to bed now as im up early for my flight

See you all Tuesday morning...... Dont worry I have packed the sun , guess I had to bring my own [;-)]

Be there or be square ...... on the square [blink] at 11.30


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Well, the day after!! Good to see everyone yesterday and P managed the sun. Mind you there was about 5 minutes where she had to dive int her purse for another shilling to bring it back out again.

Shame about nattering on just too long to get lunch though. Sandwiches had to do. All in all a very good day and good to put more faces to names!!

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As per our conversation yesterday Malcolm, have a look at http://www.axminster.co.uk/product.asp?pf_id=19978&name=zirconium+flap+disk&user_search=1&sfile=1&jump=0 . Those are the discs I was telling you about and as far as I know you can get them here too. If you cant find any then Axminster deliver to here, postage is £5 per Kg so not bad me thinks...

I have done it again!! That was the second one [:D]..

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[quote user="Jonzjob"]

Well, the day after!! Good to see everyone yesterday and P managed the sun. Mind you there was about 5 minutes where she had to dive int her purse for another shilling to bring it back out again.[/quote]

Yep, t'was a lovely, relaxing, very hot couple of hours - just as it should be. [8-|]

Where the heck was Pads with her purse today though?  [blink]  We've had cold, dull + windy followed by 5 mins of almost sunshine + mild + calm then thunder/lightning/torrential downpours all evening!  Pads, do you want to come and stay here for the rest of your trip (bring your purse, please)? [:D][:D]

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It was lovely to see you all - hope we can all meet up again! 

Thank you Jonz for bringing your superb woodwork for us all to admire - you're so talented!

I had the privilege to stay at Pads place in the evening and I fell in love with the beautiful area where she has her house, we had a bottle of wine down at the gorgeous lake just a short walk away.  I'll post a few photos later next week.

Look forward to seeing Chateau Miaou and the others who coming to the gig on Saturday[:)]

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Thank you Twinks!! It was lovely to see you again. I have been called an artist, but it is usually connected with a glass and beer? But I must admit that since we have been here some of our French neighbours have said the same and they didn't know about the beer [:D]!!

Pads place is lovely isn't it! The lake will be revisited but we will make sure that it isn't followed by a visit to the vets with our dog with a broken toe! Poor Celè, better now!! The lake is really lovely!

We are so sorry that we won't make your gig on Saturday, but with family to collect on Sunday morning my poor old frame would not make it (sobs of sympathy from the crowd). We will see if we can make the next one. Knock them for six Twinks!!![:D][:D][kiss]

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Sorry we couldn't make Tuesday but had to accompany a French lady with a bunch of school kids to do a French/English translation. Would much rather have been in the sunny square with you chaps! Where is the gig on Saturday? S
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Sorry too that you couldn't make it S, but I did notice that you 2 were missing...[:D]. Lunch was not as nice as the dinner at Twinks do, so you didn't miss much there.

We were nattering so much that we mssed the cutoff for Felixe's kitchen!! Domage [:-))]!

We have an early start Sunday morning so unfortunately we won't make Twinks gig, encore domage!!

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Same goes for me too - it was good to meet up and put nales to faces.

Back to work now and it's a filthy wet night, according to MSN it's gonna rain here (Milan) for 10 days.  10 DAYS????!!! [:(]

Anyway I'm sure we'll be seeing you all again!

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It was a great night thanks. 

I was my usual reserved, descrete self [:)]  Chateau Miaow & Pads were banned for life from the venue though which was a bit embarrassing for me.  Never mind I won't be playing there again anyway.

Nah - just kidding they were very well behaved apart from Pads asking my drummer to let a 10 year old boy play the drums instead of him[:P] 

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