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Long term rental - when are locateurs committed


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We are trying to rent long term our cottage in south Brittany for the first time. A couple of possible renters, having given an indication of intent, have pulled out. We are advertising with two agencies. Having received such a suggestion of intent, thankfully we have not told the other agency to stop advertising. At what point is the renter actually committed - presumably after they actually sign a contract?? Does anybody have a turn of phrase that we can give to our agents to pass on in the event that they have supposedly found a renter which basically says "okay, you have said that you want to rent the house, however if anybody comes up with the readies before you formally & legally commit it is theirs". Thanks
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They are committed once they have signed the contract, paid the deposit and done the état des lieux, but remember they can give three months notice at any time.


Some may be waiting until after the 1st January to avoid the Taxe d'habitation 2013.

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