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paypal security ?

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i have just discovered that someone has fraudulently used by uk bank account and kindly spent £900 of my hard earned money.    Like most people i have been using internet for purchasers for some years now without problems.   The only thing which has changed is that at the end of last year i set up a paypal account (and it is the card on the account which someone has used to have a frolic at my expense).         

Is anyone aware of any potential problems of this kind with paypal, or perhaps i have just put two and two together and come up with 5 on this occasion ?

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have used a couple of times since paypal set up, but only on sites which i had previously used without problem (although of course thats probably not that relevant).

luckily the bank fraud department spotted it because the pattern of spending conforms with their current ongoing fraud investigations, and i am told that i have to complete a form and return it, and there should be no issue with reimbursing money, if they are confident it was fraudulently taken, so while i am wound up i am not incandescent with rage at this point in time (that will come if they don't reimbuse!)

Dont want to cast any aspersions on paypal at all, was just concerned to know if anyone else had had a similar problem.

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Sorry to hear the problem. I have used Paypal for a few years without any problems but I would never use any card that has direct access to my bank account, such as a debit card or Maestro. I would suggest that the use of a UK credit card which does not have DD facilities in force may give you added protection in case of fraud. I hope your money will be credited to your account without too much delay, it is great to hear that your bank spotted the misuse quickly.


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[quote user="londoneye"]gosh i did check this, but clearly i am wound up (!!!) - sorry about awful spelling, grammar and typos ![/quote]


Is there a missing post here somewhere?  Was there a suggestion to log in to Paypal and check your account, if not, then do that.  You will then see if the missing money was taken out via paypal which I doubt somehow.  Its more than likely been cloned somewhere like a restuarant where you gave your card to the waiter to process a payment, was it a chip and pin card?  Because PIN had been in use on the continent for years it was quite easy to use a cloned card in France say because nobody ever bothered to check signatures as it was not normal to have to do this.

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Husband paid into paypal using his egg card. Someone in America managed to get his card details and spent the equivalent of £1400. I can't remember the details but luckily we didn't lose out financially - I imagine egg or ebay did though. Pat.

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