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Thuderbird email client

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Several years ago, because of the security problems associated with Outlook, I changed over to Thunderbird. However just recently I have been having a few niggling problems with Thunderbird and am thinking of changing back to Outlook.

Does anyone have any issues with Outlook nowadays?

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[quote user="Bob T"]Have you tried updating to the latest version of Thunderbird? I use it all the time and would not go back to Outlook. What problems are you having?


I am using version (20061207) running in Windows 2000 with all the latest updates. Everything else on my system is very stable. The problem I was facing was deleting a folder I had created in on of my inboxes. I eventually found out by a very round about method how to do it.

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A very timely message - I was just about to download Thunderbird.  I have many, many issues with Outlook Express and IE7 browser.  I have now been using Firefox for, lets say, 3 hours and not a single pop-up.  So I thought I would look at Thunderbird.

Does anyone else use this browser/e-mail client.  Would love to hear your views.

My only "niggle" is that my MSN contacts don't show as online in the browser window whereas they did in Outlook.


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I've been using Thunderbird for about 2 years now and have got so used to it I would not consider changing back to Outlook.

I have set all my addresses (and I have a few!) into it and I redirect all of them to a principal address which is filtered with Mailwasher before I download any messages into Thunderbird.

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Let's say I have 20 addresses (work, business, private, husband's...), I will redirect 19 of them to the 20th address, set Mailwasher to look at the inbox of the 20th address, filter it for unwanted mail, then download whatever's left with Thunderbird.

I also keep all 20 addresses into Thunderbird so I can reply to the mail from the correct address, i.e. business mail with a business address, personal mail with a personal address...

Mailwasher is set to open Thunderbird as my chosen Mail program.

If I wasn't so mean I'd get Mailwasher Pro, which can look at all 20 inboxes without the need for mail redirection!

Thunderbird does filter, but the messages have to be downloaded from your ISP's server first, whereas Mailwasher looks directly inside your inbox in the ISP's server.

Think of Mailwasher as your intelligent sorting office manager:

it will look inside the post office (=ISP inbox)

if you don't want to receive the latest catalogue from La Redoute, it will bin it (=delete)

if you don't any mail from Leclerc ever, it will bin it all (=blacklist)

leaving only our birthday cards and EDF bills (=friends)

which the postman will deliver to your letterbox in his litle van (=Thunderbird)...

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Nicely put - maybe I will re-assign MailWasher when I've downloaded Thunderbird.

Can you tell me how I can customise my toolbar to show me how many of my MSN contacts are online when I'm in Firefox.  It does it in Outlook, but I can't see where to add it to the toolbar in Firefox.  I've looked in the customise toolbar section, but there is nothing that leaps off the page to guide me.


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I used to use the Mozilla suite (still do occasionally) and it is an 'all-in-one' browser+mail+news+HTML editor. After a while, I simply decided to go for the bits I do use the most, i.e.Firefox and Thunderbird, adding extensions if and when I need them.

They had tab browsing, were safer (still seems to be the case) and ethically, I suppose, I like the idea of supporting open source programs.
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[quote user="pcwhizz"]Brilliant analogy Clair re Mailwasher  [:D]. 

However, can you, or anyone, detail why you use Thunderbird rather than Outlook?  Is it just a I hate MS thing, or is there a real plus?


I started using it because (and I'm guessing we're talking about Outlook Express here rather than Outlook - there is a big difference) Outlook Express is a horrible to back up & restore.  Thunderbird has built in spam filter which WORKS! (a big change after trying several spam add-ons to OE and not finding one that didn't kill OE!)  There are also a whole host of add-ons for TB if you feel so inclined to use that sort of thing.  The message filters actually seem to work, rather than when they just feel like it!  Personally I find TB faster (my e-mail files are several GB strong and I found OE struggled at that.  Overall, I just think TB is more robust, tho I suspect OE is probably 'easier' for someone who doesn't use e-mail much and doesn't care if they loose their e-mails.


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[quote user="mmaddock"]

I started using it because (and I'm guessing we're talking about Outlook Express here rather than Outlook - there is a big difference) Outlook Express is a horrible to back up & restore.


Matt, can you explain why you think it is horrible to back up and restore OE. I don't have any difficulty saving and restoring the email files.


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All I have to do with TB is copy one directory - it contains all my e-mail files, all the accounts settings (I have 3 accounts), and is always in the same place! (not a stupid random directory name like "XTYEGS_SWGWEG_EFWSES_EGS3454"!!) - if I want to install TB with all my settings and e-mail onto another machine all I have to do is install TB and then copy that directory over, open up TB and I'm right back to where I left off without having to re-type any settings or do anything else!  I haven't done OE for a while, but last time I tried to do this it took me best part of a morning to find the files and then somehow manage to get them to work on the new machine.  To be honest I can't remember exactly how I did it now, but it certainly wasn't as easy as TB!  Maybe things have changed since then?


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