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TV for Christmas

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I know its an old topic, but can anyone help. At our house near Carrcassone we have an old Sky dish and Sky box which appears to have ceased working. The message on the TV says no satellite signal being received. I've tried all the simple proceedures to no avail. Possibly the dish has been moved from the correct signal receiving position, or maybe the dish is past its sell by date! We only want the freeview english channels, so what would be the cheapest solution? can anyone recommend a good installer, or could I do it quite easily myself.


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First thing to check is the connections, the one at the dish is most important is it still watertight has any water got into the cable, then dish alignment and the dish does not wear out unless its full of rust, all easy to check as long as the dish is not too high, then the lnb could be faulty the only way to check is to fit a new one but check the alignment first, if still no picture can you loan a receiver and try that if thats OK, a new digital receiver from any brico will do make sure it is DIGITAL.

Let us know how you get on



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It is unlikely the box is faulty, judging from the message it displays. I assume you ahve tried disconnecting the box from the mains, waiting a few minutes and then pluging it in again. If that does not solve the problem, you are right to suggest that the dish has probably moved. Depending on its position, you can alter it yourself using a little gadget that whistles when it is corectly lined up.

Has anything changed between you and the direction the dish is pointing? If someone has built a house obstructing its clear view that would be a bigger problem as you would need to relocate the dish. It needs to have a clear view in a direction S28degE with an elevation of around 25 - 30 degrees. It is more usual to have problems in summer when the trees have their leaves.

Otherwise it is possible that the lead has become corroded or the LNB, the thing on the end of the arm attached to the dish, has failed.

I suggest you contact www.brittany-satellites.com on 02 96 45 91 55 for further advice.

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I have just returned from France to England to find the same message displayed on our TV (no satellite signal being received). I would not rule out a faulty sky box as this was what the problem was with ours, using another sky box restored the picture without having to adjust the dish or lnb.
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A frosty response Fridgeman [:D]

Sky dishes are obviously vunerable to lightning strikes and I wonder how many people leave their boxes connected when they vacate the premises for any period ?

Unplugging the box from the mains is a sensible precaution of course but even so the box may still have a path to earth via other connected equipment meaning that the dish could still be a target.

I always unplug my downleads (2x boxes on a Quad LNB) when leaving or when lightning is occuring or expected overnight but I draw the line at unplugging every night as my neighbour now does having lost 2 LNB's and boxes in quick succession earlier this year. I have to say that he is somewhat more exposed than me though.

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Thanks for all the advice folks. I'm not over at our house again for a few weeks, but will try all your suggestions. The dish has definitely been moved and left on the ground. Hopefully I just need to align it propely, with the whistling gadget! ( is this a wind up ). Can't wait to watch another re-run of The Great Escape on Christmas Day!
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[quote user="Kieran"]

I know its an old topic, but can anyone help. At our house near Carrcassone we have an old Sky dish and Sky box which appears to have ceased working. The message on the TV says no satellite signal being received. I've tried all the simple proceedures to no avail. Possibly the dish has been moved from the correct signal receiving position, or maybe the dish is past its sell by date! We only want the freeview english channels, so what would be the cheapest solution? can anyone recommend a good installer, or could I do it quite easily myself.



Your original post states "Possibly the dish has been moved"whereas your last post says the dish is on the ground !!!!!!!!

I think you are right when you suggest that the dish will need realigning but sadly you will not receive Freeview english channels but thankfully you will receive the FTA channels[:D]



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Hello Ernie

Just noticed your post, not a frosty response, just a fact this forum must have solved thousands of problems without cost to members and if no one has a solution then by all means direct them to a commercial organisation, what amazes me is how willing members are to help others and long may it continue. 



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