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One for Martin Watkins

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Hello Martin

Here is a nice slow ball for you to wack out over the boundary.

Last night thousands watched the Hatton v Mayweather fight including me (I am not a big fight fan but this was one I had to watch)

Anyone with a SLY system after paying their subs had to phone sly and pay an extra £14.95 to watch the fight (ppv)

People in other countries could also watch the fight on:

2M National

C+ France

C+ HiTech

DigitAlb Super Sports1

Polsat Sport Extra

Pro TV

RTL Germany

Sly Box Office (ppv)

Sly Box Office HD (ppv)

Sly Calcio (ppv?)

Sport TV2

All of these other channels apart from sly showed the fight without the viewer having to pay any extra, and to rub salt into the wound 2M National & RTL Germany where FTA.

Bearing in mind the above list only covers the satellites on our part of the horizon how many other channels where showing the fight, I do not know, quite a few I would guess.

Over to you Martin.[;-)]





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Well I don't know the answer to the question of how many other satellites were showing the fight, but I entirely agree that there is an awful lot up there and it makes for very interesting viewing.   

Timco said it elsewhere;  for us it's a fascinating hobby,   but for those who just want to turn-on-and-tune-in it's of no great interest.   It's similar to the people round here who won't go into Lidl and see how good quality and cheap most of the stuff is,   but "trust" Waitrose (or any other brand name) because they can't be bothered to look outside the box.      And get ripped off in the process.     It's their choice,   but nearer to home I know how frustrated Wendy gets when she just wants to watch something but is confronted by six satellite receivers,   two switch boxes,  AV control,  etc etc,  and nothing but a blank screen.

It's one of the areas where Sky have been sly;  they've made it dead simple and in taking the hassle out they've kept the punters in.

But don't you rather like being a member of the cognoscenti and feeling superior??!!

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Hi Martin

Thank you for your Beautiful answer (did not realise you spoke Italian) the point I was trying to get across in my post was all the SLY viewers where paying through the nose, sly where saying buy this now, the fight of the century, only on sky and only £14.95 you mugs, whereas it was available FREE (FTA) elsewhere and included in the payable packages, we all have to pay full whack sometimes I fully understand that, but whatever it is, it is so much better if we do not have to pay through the nose, your point with Lidl's is so valid, this is why prices go up all the time and it's those same people that complain about price rises and then do nothing about it, I would not (as I have stated in the past)  pay murdoch a penny even if it meant missing out on some channels I would rather go without, hence the reason why I would not buy a sly box as he earns from every box that is sold as it contains his cam which he gets paid for.

I am a great believer in everyone should be able to like or dislike whatever they want and most people are lazy including me we all want the easy way out but at least get the full facts first or put simply try it first and then make your mind up.

All TV should be FTA.

You think your Wendy has a problem my sweet Clare has a choice of 24 satellite's and over 2000 channels

Peace to all





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