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Satellite Probs!

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Since we have been having this bad weather (Domfront area)for the last few days I have been having trouble getting a satellite signal. Have checked the dish however it has NOT moved and is still aligned correctly, just the sat signal strength and quality keep fading out!

Missed a programme I wanted to watch last night and want to watch another tonight extremely annoying as I hardly watch tv however wanted to see these two programmes(BBC1)Yes I know it' sad but I can't help myself. Has anyone any ideas, or know if and how I could watch on the internet.


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I'd agree with Anton. Our house is in an exposed postion and we're not far from the coast and strong winds are frequent, but only occasionally does the wind gust strongly enough to interefere with the dish, and interruptions to the picture because of this are rare. It just causes the picture to break momentarily. This is not the same effect as Anton describes well as 'stair rod rain' and heavy cloud which can cause the picture to break up and sometimes disappear for a couple of minutes.

If you are certain that it's the wind rather than heavy rain that's causing the problem then I would think, perhaps, that your dish alignment is 'on the edge' i.e. it's getting a good signal until a prolonged strong wind knocks it off it's optimal position. I've stood outside and watched both the dishes I have mounted on the side of the house in these conditions and they generally 'spring back' when hit by a strong gust. This may explain why generally you are receiving a good signal.

I'm afraid I'm not helpful here as I know I certainly would not want to go outside tweaking a satellite dish in these weather conditions for this evenings TV viewing and I am also unable to suggest a place you can go on the net to watch tonights BBC programmes here in France. Sorry.


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Thanks Anton & Timco,

We have been having very heavy rain and high winds. Have been in and out to try and check for movement however dish seems to be in exactly the same position as usual. It is however in an exposed position so that maybe the problem as Anton has suggested. Unfortunately it is too high for me to remove and change the location of and hubby is not back until 20th Dec. Oh well serves me right for only watching tv occasionally so will have to go back to the usual internet surfing and reading a book. At least the heatings working!!

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Solid dishes are very prone to picture weakening in heavy rain.  The water runs down the dish and 'distorts' the signal being received by the lnb.


You could try and get a mesh dish which was designed that way to overcome that very problem.


I have a solid dish too and I was thinking about using some 'rainx' on it - you know the stuff that makes the water bead off the windscreens on cars.   Never got round to trying it though.........



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[quote user="Morse98"]

 Have checked the dish  Has anyone any ideas, or know if and how I could watch on the internet.


You could try www.piggymoo.com  or www.youtube.com

Probably work straight off the net but you might need a Divx player (download free) if it's not already on your PC, good idea to get it anyway as the quality is very good

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I've hesitated to contribute on this thread because there have been many good suggestions already,  but I keep coming back to one thought:

The OP says the dish hasn't moved but subsequently says that she can't get access to it.   In which case how does she know it hasn't moved.  

The difference between stable and dodgy reception can be a few millimetres.     Unless you have marked the dish in some way on its mountings it's damned difficult to tell.   The signal quality only "looks" at one particular frequency and this probably won't be the ones you're having trouble with.

But not being there I of course only offer this as a thought.

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One other thought.   Any trees anywhere near the signal path?    Could a tree in the distance be weighed down by water on its branches,  or a branch wave into the signal path in a high wind?

The water on the leaves weighing a branch down in more a summer problem;   we have a kotoneaster (spelling?) which does just this every spring and has to be trimmed.    Often during Gardener's World I'm sent out in the pouring rain to re-establish the signal.

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Hello Martinwatkins,

You are quite correct that I have stated the dish does not appear to have moved and yet I also stated that it is too high for me to remove!

The reason being whilst I can climb the ladder to see that the markings previously made when setting up the dish on the fixtures and it appears the dish nor lnb had moved. I am unable to climb the ladder and remove the dish on my own and as previously mentioned hubby is not back home until 20th. Perhaps it's just a weak girly thing!![:D][:D]

The reception is fine now the awful weather has ceased, however I have looked at it and you are quite right there is a tree in the path of the dish so it looks like that will have be trimmed somewhat to prevent this happening again in the future.


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With all these things you need to look at ALL the possibilities.   So sometimes there's a bit of lateral thinking needed.    Not that even that is always right unless one can actually visit on site.

And it's not a girlie thing I assure you - all my ten dishes in France and Devon are at ground level!   I don't like ladders that much!

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But the food slithers out every time I give it a stir.   And the picture's not that brilliant on curry night.

Seriously,   I have just (yesterday) had to move one dish whose performance on analogue AB3 5 deg W has been deteriorating,  traced to some tall and growing willows 75 feet away;  the tips have obviously finally reached the signal path.   Whilst I think the dish is knacked anyway (it's never really performed as well as an 80 cm should, I think it got knocked on its way to me) the trees have just been too much for it.   Now working much better.

Actually there are 11 dishes;  I forgot the one on the guest house in France.

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