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buying property in france

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I would go on the French Property News website and look at what is on that as a taster so as to get an idea of prices in your preferred region. Then have a look at the immobiliers who advertise properties on that. Contact the ones you like the look of and start a dialogue.

Many of the properties they will show on their sites have been sold and are only there as examples of the kind of houses that they have sold. (There are honorable exceptions). What most want you to do is go there so that they can sell you whatever they have in their intray. If you do go and look at properties you like the look of, check with the immobilier that these are still for sale before flying.

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[quote user="john"]whats the best way to go about looking for a property in the perpignan area[/quote]

  • Take a week's hol (or at the very least a long weekend)
  • Get on a plane
  • Hire a car
  • Drive around
  • Talk to as many agents as you can find to show an interest
  • Get a feel for the specific area that you think you like
  • Come back in a couple of week's time to view
  • Repeat the process till you find what you want

Sorry if this sounds a bit basic, but it's no different to what you'd do in the UK.  Legwork.

Best of luck.

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  • 4 years later...
[quote user="NormanH"]You can also have a look on leboncoin



[quote user="Polremy"]What sort of property were you thinking of, John?

We sold our property there a year ago and might be able to give you some advice.[/quote]

It is very cheering that you two are keen to be so helpful but have neither of you noticed that this thread is nearly 5 years old ... and seems to have been resurrected in a ghostly manner for who-knows-what-reason?


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  • 10 months later...

[quote user="Evianers"][quote user="john"]whats the best way to go about looking for a property in the perpignan area[/quote]

Don't you just love it, when contributions like the above always have a "please" or a "thank you" after the request

I just love it when contributors look at the date of a post [:D]

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  • 2 months later...
[quote user="Cappicenno"]If I would buy a residence in France. I could get the authorization to live in france as a residence? Is that true? Do you have any details about that law ? Thanks for your help.[/quote]You will get better advice if you tell us what nationality you are. I would advise you to check with the French Embassy or the nearest French Consulate in your home country
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[quote user="Cappicenno"]If I would buy a residence in France. I could get the authorization to live in france as a residence? Is that true? Do you have any details about that law ? Thanks for your help.[/quote]

You beat me to it, Rabbie. I mean, how long is a piece of string?

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  • 6 years later...
  • 5 months later...
Real estate in Nice is more affordable, real estate in Cannes has a special meaning to consider if there are plans for renting it out for short periods all year, real estate in Aquitain should be paid attention to if you want proximity to the sea, and the French Riviera seems too massive and hot, when selecting real estate in Paris, special attention should be paid to the area in which the house or apartment will be located. It is well known that the cost of maintaining real estate in France is higher than in many other European countries. Not so long ago, my relatives bought a house in [url=https://tranio.com/france/provence-alpes-cote_d_azur/nice/]Nice[/url] and they will have to pay about € 2000 taxes annually. In addition, utilities in Nice are not cheap - they get about € 150 per month.
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