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ADSL availability

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There are various sites that give this information - take them with a pinch of salt.

France Telecom, Neuf and another all said I could have ADSL after paying and stting up a direct debit a month later they say 'Oh sorry'. Then you have to try and get your money back and stop the direct debit.

There is a site that tests for all the providers - just don't take it as 100%.

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[quote user="Dog"]

There are various sites that give this information - take them with a pinch of salt.

France Telecom, Neuf and another all said I could have ADSL after paying and stting up a direct debit a month later they say 'Oh sorry'. Then you have to try and get your money back and stop the direct debit.

There is a site that tests for all the providers - just don't take it as 100%.


Remarkable fortitude signing up with all three, a veritable triple whammy[:)]

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We want to move our business and home to another village and need broadband access.   Is there a website I can check to see if where we want to move to has such facilities?

A commune in a rural area will have WIDE locational divergencies in ADSL capability. In your case I would do a conventional on-line search using selected telephone numbers suitably located in the village you have chosen. In the event of a positive indication a quick call to chat with one of the subscribers should finally clarify the bandwidth quality of the service.

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[quote user="Dog"]

There are various sites that give this information - take them with a pinch of salt.

France Telecom, Neuf and another all said I could have ADSL after paying and stting up a direct debit a month later they say 'Oh sorry'. Then you have to try and get your money back and stop the direct debit.

There is a site that tests for all the providers - just don't take it as 100%.


Oooh that's a worry. I was expecting to be told I couldn't have ADSL as I am quite some way from teh exchange but at the mo have been told I can. I have signed up with Teleconnect, who are messing me around so now signed up with SFR who are also now saying it will take much longer to install than I was first told.

Why couldn't you get ADSL in the end? And what have you done instead - are you on dial up or satellite? I also need it for work so it is preying on my mind.


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Even degrouptest isn't 100% as it relies on the FT database of line lengths which in not always correct.

According to FT my line is a knats short of 5km which means I should be struggling for much more than 1mb. The truth is it's probably nearer 3.5km and I get a rock solid 2mb and synchronise with the exchange at around 5-6mb. My ISP, Teleconnect, are reluctant to upgrade me to a higher speed at the moment though as I have noise on the line but am having a battle with FT to sort it out but 2mb I can live with [;-)]

There is only one absolutely guaranteed way to be sure and that is to find out what whoever is living in the property you are interested in actually has. Even next door neighbours can have wildly different line characteristics and hence speed possibilities.

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Its worth knowing that is not always telephone lines for broadband.  In Manche we have West Telecom.  They run a wireless network independant of the telephone lines.  We were with them some time ago and got SDL (2mb up and 2mb down).  They were operating under the name of Nomotech and their, then, service left a lot to be desired (they were in their infancy as a company).  The company are rolling out WiFiMax which is even faster.  They system is designed (as I understand it) for the "Zone Blanche" areas that may never get telephone/Fibre Optic/Cable ADSL.  Similar telephone/broadband packages are available.


for some info.  There might be similar schemes elsewhere in France.



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