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[quote user="Ron Avery"]"In IE7: if, like me, you frequently print things from web pages"

Is it me, but I cannot print a web page using Firefox/right click, I don't get the print page option, so is there another way to print a page apart from using a version of IE?


If you use Ctrl + P it will bring up the print screen dialogue.
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[quote user="fulcrum"]
Here's one that gives Firefox a big advantage.

I too use both but recently have had a need to use an unsecured WiFi access point from a hotel. The following article is well worth a read if you need to use WiFi.


It is a bit technical but not too much so. But very useful if you are roaming around and need to use WiFi.

Thanks fulcrum, I found the article very helpful.


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[quote user="fulcrum"][quote user="Ron Avery"]"In IE7: if, like me, you frequently print things from web pages"

Is it me, but I cannot print a web page using Firefox/right click, I don't get the print page option, so is there another way to print a page apart from using a version of IE?


If you use Ctrl + P it will bring up the print screen dialogue.[/quote]

Thanks another problem solved[:D]

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[quote user="fulcrum"][quote user="sid"]

So far I've found no distinct advantages with either product.   

Sid [geek]


Here's one that gives Firefox a big advantage.

I too use both but recently have had a need to use an unsecured WiFi access point from a hotel. The following article is well worth a read if you need to use WiFi.


It is a bit technical but not too much so. But very useful if you are roaming around and need to use WiFi.


the article was dated February 2006 - things may well have changed since then...

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J and D

It may have been written in February 2006 but the bit about using Firefox with Gmail, and securing your WiFi, works today.

Edit: Of course if you have a better or more up to date site for this kind of info, then you could post it here.

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it may well have been - and might still be - good advice but I thought I made a pertinent point. The article was referring to IE 6 security. As you know IE 7 is now in use and gets regular security updates. I don't know if there is still an issue with public wifi and IE 7 or not - sorry


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I am using a wifi connection from a wifi hotspot to my PC. Because these hotspots dont allow any encription to be used one has to make sure that any passwords etc can be hidden from prying eyes by using https.

The problem for me, which IE7 doesnt appear to address, is Firefoxes ability, via a plugin, to stay connected with an https connection when accessing gmail. Even after you have entered your user name and Password.

If you try it with IE7 you will find that IE7 switches back to an http connection once you have entered your ID and Password. Thereby exposing your emails to the ether.

Edit: Maybe IE7 has a way of handling this too, but I havn't found it.

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[I] Move your Toolbar - Just for a change ?

Did you know that you don't have to have your tool bar at the bottom of the screen. In these days of widescreen displays it might make more sense to have it at the side or maybe you just fancy it at the top.

Right click on the Toolbar and make sure it isn't locked.

Now just Left click on it anywhere and hold and drag towards where you want it to be. When you get over about half way across the screen just release and the Toolbar will appear, simple. If you want to put it back reverse the process.

This is what my Toolbar looks like down the right hand side of my screen.


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  • 2 weeks later...

[I]  Open Explorer in Your Folder of Choice:

Have you got a folder you regularly go to and are bored up of opening Windows Explorer then clicking down through other folders to get to it ?

Here's how to make a shortcut to get directly to it.

Create a new Shortcut on your desktop then right click on it then properties.

In the Target type in    %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n, /e, c:\internet   where c:/internet   is the folder you want to go to.

Be careful to enter this accurately, or better still, copy and paste it then just edit the last bit.

Finally right click your new shortcut and rename it as required.

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[I] Free Programme for French Accents:

You may find this handy if you have a UK PC's or keyboard and sometimes perhaps struggle with accents. You simply drag the character you want into your document.



Although it's shown horizontally on the site I haven't found the way to turn it from the vertical yet !

I claim no credit for finding it as it was earlier posted on this forum.

Edit: To turn it horizontal just press the Space bar


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For Firefox users who do not want to use Internet Explorere at all. Go to Start, Control Panel, Add or Remove software. On the left hand side panel Click Set Program Access and defaults, Click Custom and you can disable, by unchecking the tick box, Internet Explorer.

I did this after a bug got into my PC and every time I opened Firefox, a IE box opened trying to access a website. This just goes to show how people can put bugs into IE.

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Thanks Ernie for this thread! It is really great.

Mik monitors!!!! is there any way that you can make this thread STICKY pretty please [:D][:D][;-)]???

I like the hibernate, it saves a lot of mucking about if I am just shutting down to came back to something later. I'm also giving the 'Taskbar' a try on the left of the screen too. Keep up the good work mate!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Change Default Page in Internet Explorer [I]

A dead simple one this.

It never cease to amaze me when I see people fire up Internet Explorer and it opens in some obscure, and frequently unwanted, home page, or worse, Microsoft's default homepage of MSN...!   Can there really be ANYBODY who actually want's that, I've certainly never come across anyone ?

Fortunately it's a matter of a couple of mouse cliks to change it.

Open Internet Explorer then select Tools then Internet Options

Under the General tab you'll see Home Page and here you can choose what you like. Persionally I use Blank and then click on one of my Favourites or a Link to go where I want to be.

I'm not sure if the same applies to IE7 because I have never installed or used it.

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I've, at some time, got to sort out a problem with a friend's laptop - this has been infected with something that makes it impossible to change the homepage from the MSN one - very annoying.

The owners don't seem to be aware of the problem at all and seem to think it's quite normal behaviour for their machine to do this. What also concerns me is that if this infection has got through whatever protection they have, what else may be lurking in there? Could be interesting - when they decide it's time for me to take a look.


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[quote user="Timco"]

I've, at some time, got to sort out a problem with a friend's laptop - this has been infected with something that makes it impossible to change the homepage from the MSN one - very annoying.

The owners don't seem to be aware of the problem at all and seem to think it's quite normal behaviour for their machine to do this. What also concerns me is that if this infection has got through whatever protection they have, what else may be lurking in there? Could be interesting - when they decide it's time for me to take a look.



Tell them to pack it up, put it in the box, take it back to the shop and exchange it for some paper and colouring pencils ;)

It amazes me how many people have computers without the first clue on how to use or maintain them, or even where to look for solutions and sort it for themselves. We're continually bombarded with people asking us to sort out their pc problems. It's getting to the stage where

a) We're going to open a computer solutions shop and start charging, or

b) Say "we don't know how to solve that problem" (even if we do).

It looks like b is favourite as not only does it take up a lot of our time, the machine then somehow becomes our responsibility forever more.

Anyway, my pc tip for the day: Add ons for Firefox. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/ You can download small programs to enhance your use of Firefox. Things like having weather in the task bar of your browser, a built in ftp program, control media players from Firefox and many more.

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A refereshing tip!

You can refresh a page in IE 7 or Firefox by clicking on the refresh button or pressing F5, everyone knows that right? Well, the little know caveat to that is that the refresh will only go back to the last cache that it finds on any server in the chain, this means that you may not have quite the most up-to-date view of the data. To get around this, press Control and F5 (or Control and click refresh).  This forces the browser to go to the originating page and so get a full update.

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Broadband speed Checker [I]

For this obsessed with monitoring their speed (or lack thereof) this FREE download is, according to the author, the most consistently accurate but I'll let you be the judge of that claim. Those who have been on http://www.internetfrog.com/mypc/speedtest/ might recognise it.


Another usefull gizmo, again FREE, is Visual Route which will show you where the bottlenecks are when trying to access a site. (must try it on CompleteFrance !)


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  • 1 month later...

Maximise a Window & Remember Window Size/Position [I]

Been a while since my last tip so here's two for the price of one and both are absolute simplicity.

1. To maximise or reduce a Window forget scrabbling for those tiny icons in the in the top corner, just double click anywhere on the Title Bar for full screen. Double click again to reduce it back to the size it was.

2. To force a Window to remember what size and where you want it to be on the screen just set it as you want it then hold Shift when you close it.

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This seems as good a section for this question as any.

Favourites - Am running IE7. How do I get my favourites into alphabetical order. They were, but any I add now just go to the end of the list. I use folders to help organise them but would like them in order within the folders and also the folders themselves.

Any suggestions ?

Thanks - Tony

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Just downloaded the CCcleaner again, it got rid of loads of stuff. Is it real though....I know being a skeptic. I have spybot but not sure how that works. It flags something, and then I have to either tick a box or, and that is the point I suppose as it is not that clear. Anyway no matter what I tick a moment later a popup appears. So does spybot work in reverese! I am confused.[8-)]
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