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which pc laptop to buy ?

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I have hp pavilion about 7years old .This week sometimes closing down ,although always used on mains supply, as battery died 3-4years ago and not replaced.




Thanks sorry about shouting justnoticed caps lock on   dam computers!!

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If your going for a 'Tablet' type machine then look at Android based Tablets. I was looking at the Motorola Zoom, same price as as it competitor but with a bigger screen. The beauty of Android is it is free as are many of the applications so your not tied to one company for all your needs. Also as the Android operating system is based on a Java engine much of the free software like Open Office etc works fine apparently. I have not played with one yet unfortunately but hopefully here will be one in the big stores in Perpignan next time I visit. It seems to get good reviews on Amazon but you need to get one with the latest Android version (3.1). At the end of the day however I still think you can't beat a machine with a proper keyboard and a screen you only have to clean once a year.
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OK, unglamorous maybe but I have a lot of time for good old Toshiba who were one the first in the laptop game.  Imho, you could do worse than:


We all have good and bad tales to tell about these things.   I had an Acer Netbook which was rubbish and developed several faults under guarantee then a fatal one after 15 months.  On the other hand my PC world cheapo thing is 8 years old and  still going strong (although it's slow so I only use it now to do e-mail since it's on XP and so still runs Outlook Express[:)])  and is even on its original battery.  My Tosh though I am very happy with I must say.

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Actually I have had about six Tosh's over the years dating back to the days of DOS, mono screens and Word Perfect and very good machines they are too. None have ever failed to work, even the one I dropped off the side of my boat in to sea water, they only got upgraded because of technology never because of failure. I still have a Libretto (1998), the first A5 Palmtop in the world to run Windows (98) and Office, still works and a brilliant machine, well in advance of it's time. Toshiba also made the first Tablet PC long before anyone else, sold some in the US, never sold in the UK and was so far advanced people didn't buy it because it scared them.  They are also the most popular corporate brand leaving the likes of Dell well behind. The reason, it's their reliability and quality of build, they are the laptop to which other laptop manufactures aspire.

If your interested in Tablet PC's then The Gadget Show is testing them on Monday 30th May. I have to say they are very pro Apple stuff so I guess the IPad 2 will come up first regardless of the rest. Compaq used to make good laptops as did IBM, I don't know if either produce machines anymore. Not as good as a Tosh but they were their main competitors quality wise.

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Where the ACER One netbooks are a bit dodgy (solid state doesn't really seem to be the way forward) I have had a string of Acer laptops, and they  have all been brilliant. I'm currently on a Acer 1410, 250GB storage, six hours out of the battery and plenty fast enough. Acer do some real bargains direct from their website.   Whatever you buy, it will be out of date by the end of next week!

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[quote user="Ab"]


Thanks sorry about shouting justnoticed caps lock on   dam computers!!


http://www.digitalrefresh.fr/aspire-5732z-444g50mn-15-6-reconditionne,fr,4,ANG_LXPMZ02110.cfm?tri=1&marq=0 for example

is pretty good value....

it depends on what screen size, specification you want, really.

Remember if you buy in France, it is very likely to have an operating system (most likely Windows 7) in French.


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Not sure what the crikey is for but....

Their "recons" are virtually brand new and most have at least 6 month manufacturer's guarantee. Comparing like for like i.e exact same specifications, I think their prices are reasonable..

The OP did suggest  £250-300 so was trying to keep in that price range.


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If you're happy enough with your present machine apart from the shut-downs then try checking all the air vents for clogging. If you can open up the case as much as possible take a soft brush and a can of air blast to it. You may be surprised.

If you still want a new machine anyway then the chances are that any reasonable make will do what you need. The cheapest modern machines will run rings around your present laptop.

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[quote user="Jane and Danny"]Not sure what the crikey is for but....

Their "recons" are virtually brand new and most have at least 6 month manufacturer's guarantee. Comparing like for like i.e exact same specifications, I think their prices are reasonable..

The OP did suggest  £250-300 so was trying to keep in that price range.



329€ brand new, 12 month guarantee, can't go wrong with this one. LINK  It would be interesting to know if the OP did in fact buy anything.

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