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Acer Aspire 5553 Windows 7 restore disk

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Most of the disks are just drivers for different computers including Acer which you can download from their website for free anyway.

The other 'Recovery' disk, well the fact that it is only a CD yet it installs any of the versions of Windows 7 (all 8 of them) should tell you that it can't possibly hold all these operating systems especially because if memory serves Windows 7 comes on a DVD because of its size.

Then when you get to the bottom of the page in very small light gray print it says...

"Disk Contains NO Microsoft Software, it is a guide describing how to source, compile and install windows operating systems. "

which if you blow it up into big letters says "Disk Contains NO Microsoft Software, it is a guide describing how to source, compile and install windows operating systems" so all it will do is take the operating system from the hidden partition on the hard drive.

If you have lost that as well (like I have or you have installed a new HDD) then this CD is as much use as a chocolate teapot.

The disks from Acer contain a full operating system, it re partions and re formats the HDD puts the operating system back on the hidden partition and returns the machine back to factory settings.

People should be aware of this, I think those selling these disks are being a bit sneaky (otherwise they wouldn't do the small grey print) but thanks anyway for the effort in looking. Last night I downloaded the version of Windows I wanted, installed it and used 'key' on the bottom of the laptop, it now works OK having also downloaded the drivers and installed them as well. The thing is I don't know what software also came with the laptop (MS Word for example) so all it has is the operating system. I know it is being hard (especially under the circumstances) but if the lady could not bother to run off the disks when she bought the laptop and does not want to pay the £50 then it is not my problem.

Thanks for taking the time to look by the way.

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