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Courageous Kitten looking for a new home

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Having travelled about 50km in the engine bay of a car, this little kitten deserves a home!! She (we think!) is about three months old and a beautiful grey colour with blue eyes. She is eating and drinking well and appears to be in good health after her exciting adventure. We think she is semi wild but is enjoying lots of cuddles and affection. Unfortunately we can not keep her as we have a "cat hating" dog, and this little courageous kitten deserves better. If you know anyone that could give this little kitten a home, please let me know. We are on the borders of the Aude and the Ariege
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Have you tried posting her on http://www.chat-perdu.org/?

Maybe someone is looking for her; you never know! I will let the SPA know that you have a "spare cat" and see if anyone has asked about her, too!

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