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Is Trump the dog


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Wow - https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/trump-joe-biden-ukraine-corruption-volodymyr-zelensky-yuriy-lutsenko-a8922546.html

Perhaps aircraft carriers to the Med is the next move.

Who is he listening to?

Perhaps he should increase to UN levels foreign aid and not spend money on weapons.

Perhaps Corbyn, not Cameron. is to blame.


Nb I'm having a go at Esther McVey who has probably forgotten that she was a Barnardos child. There but for the grace of G,D (?) goes anybody in the UK. Every human born outside the UK should have the same respect.
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I find it strange that the deal of the century was originally supposed to be designed by 4 people but, hey, the Muslim woman resigned and we are left with, hey,- just look at their 3 backgrounds to do with settlements etc.

Who is he listening to?

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