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Social Charges

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I am a disabled person (due to deterioating MS) I am 49 years old. I recieve an ill health pension from the NHS and incapacity benifit. I pay tax in france. My husband who is 59 retired early and  pays tax in the UK as an excivil servant.

Since being here we have been paying social charge we have been told we should not be paying this can anyone advise what we should pay?

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Are you registered as disabled in France?  I ask because it's my belief that this is the critical bit as regards tax breaks etc. 

If not, then you need to start the process.  I can direct you to the application form if this is the case here.  Otherwise, I'm a bit stumped.[:)]

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I am now registered disabled as of 2010 I also have an E121 due to my disability although I am no where near UK state retirement age. If I should not have paid social charge for the previous 3 years can I claim it back?


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My suspicion is that you will only get the tax reliefs due to a disabled person from the date you were registered and thus you will begin to get them with your next tax return (2010).  But I don't know enough about this really except in so much as you will declare the disabled status on your next tax form (and all future ones) and this will trigger the appropriate tax breaks.  But I have never done this myself because I have never asked for any financial assistance since I'm covered by a third party's insurance for my own disability.  There are other disabled posters on this forum and I hope they'll put me straight on this!  Meanwhile, I'll have a look to see if I can find out what the benefits are, if any, for those whose healthcare charges are paid for by the UK.

EDIT : Thinking about this again, as you are covered by an S (previously E)-form then you are right, I don't think you should pay these charges.  This has been discussed recently on the finance board by somebody who claimed back in retrospect.  I'll see if I can find it.

Your local MDPH (Maison Departmentale des Personnes Handicapees) might help also - although not with the E form regs.

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Here's the summary of tax benefits for the disabled but as you can see, it is dependent upon your being in receipt of invalidity benefit from France or having 80% invalidity on your card. Post edited (see below)


But my statement re the social charges stands.  I'll look for that thread now.




The situation is not quite the same as yours but the principle is the same and thus you should be able to get a refund on the same basis as Rides and using the same approach as recommended by Parsnips and others.

Bon courage - I hope that somebody else will post on this subject also as I'm certainly no expert!

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[quote user="woolybanana"]Being disabled should be what counts, not where you are disabled, so there could be a nice case of discrimination here. Where is Tony F when needed?[/quote]You're quite right of course so I read it again and it does indeed say that you get an income tax break if your carte d'invalidite is more than 80%.  Thus the o/p should be entitled if that's the case.


Sorry to mislead.  As Wooly says, we need the experts!

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  • 3 months later...
Can anyone tell me if you are in receipt of Incap from the UK, do you qualify to have an exoneration of Taxe Fonciere?

If you get AAH you do.

OH was found eligible for AAH, but just above the cut off, so doesn't get it, as he gets Incap. 

We pay a HUGE fonciere bill, which we could do with reducing, being on a low income.

Advice appreciated, as surely NOT allowing the same benefit to be linked with an equivalent benefit from another country should be seen as discrimination?

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If you have a carte d'invalide 80% then you get the tax breaks.  As I advised the o/p, you should apply for one then when you get it (6 months and a few interviews later!) you can tick the appropriate box on the form and all the benefits are automatic.  If there's another way of doing this, I still don't know it, but maybe others do?
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