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Yet another Tory shambles

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Perhaps some one should point out to either the minister in charge or the company concerned that these machine could after use:

A) be used for other projects

B) be sold on eBay

C) sold at one of the government equipment auctions

Lack of common sense, nothing new there...

Norman, much as I'm not overly enamoured by DC and his crew, maybe you wouldn't be so keen to have a permanent down on this UK government if you had lived here during the Blair and Brown years.

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These are the sort of things which explain why I criticise this Government, ill-written and expressed perhaps, but with considerable truth:



and of course their support for


which is not surprising, given that Cameron's wealth comes from tax havens



PS For a more academic discussion of Neo-Liberalism I recommend


One could also quote the Clinton campaign slogan 'It's the economy stupid' (referring to Osborne of course, not anyone here


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[quote user="Russethouse"]Norman, much as I'm not overly enamoured by DC and his crew, maybe you wouldn't be so keen to have a permanent down on this UK government if you had lived here during the Blair and Brown years.[/quote]After being let down by Blair and Brown I hoped for something better. Unfortunately Cameron seems to have Blair as his role model.  The most depressing thought is that Miliband seems to have the same asperations
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Norman, I just took a very quick look at the first link. Some of those things are what I would call cheap shots, for instance the Conservative party did not win a majority, true enough, but at least they had the vision to negotiate with the Lib Dems which Mr Brown would not even consider according to what I have read.

Some of the things on the list have been the subject of U turns, where a policy either isn't well thought out or popular, which has given Mr C problems in other ways. In other words he can't do right for doing wrong

At least he is not Mr Blair. First he co operates with the US to bring conflict to the middle East and then gets paid very nicely thank you as a peace envoy - how ironic is that?

Make no mistake, Labour left us in a right pickle, not all due to the world situation either. Many of the policies we are having to endure now are intended to help redress the balance....all be they ill thought out and lacking in execution.

I'm no great fan of this government in many ways, but it will be a cold day in hell before I vote Labour again, in fact I'd rather abstain and coming from someone who believes its our duty to vote, that is saying something!!!
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[quote user="Russethouse"]. I'm no great fan of this government in many ways, but it will be a cold day in hell before I vote Labour again, in fact I'd rather abstain and coming from someone who believes its our duty to vote, that is saying something!!![/quote]Nothing wrong in abstaining provided you take the trouble to spoil your ballot paper. Not the same as being too apathetic to take the trouble to vote
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Norman, The Cameron family may have had money, but Ian Cameron also overcame great disability and lived a determinedly normal life: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/obituaries/politics-obituaries/7990368/Ian-Cameron.html

He was astute enough to invest off shore, so did thousands of others. There is nothing illegal about it.

Mr Blair s tax activities are also entirely legal:

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