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Speed cameras warning signs


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[quote user="TreizeVents"]

..................  Once was a dirty trick, the police should be ashamed of themselves...... 

 Criminals and people who break the law should be busted.  Simple. 


TV, make your mind up or should the law be applied differently in your case ? I think we should be told.



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[quote user="Frederick"]David ........interesting you look out for High Viz Jackets and ariels in unmarked cars ..........In 1976 I think it was ....durng the fuel crisis when in South Africa .....in order for the Police to get you for speeding ...not that they were bothered about you killing yourself .....you were wasting fuel  ! ... Much more important as there was a speed restriction to save it ......Posts were  at the side of the road  some distance apart ..........then the guy in the helicopter timed you between the posts ..........they then landed in front of you and  you got a fine on the spot  .... You could be the only car on the road for miles .....lets hope its not introduced here .....we will have to cut a hole in the roof of our cars ....[/quote]

So what part of saving fuel was that then? So you're using a few eggcupfuls of petrol going a bit quicker while they are pouring gallons and gallons into a helicopter, possibly the most inefficiant flying machine there is.  Crazy idea.

When we all have to have GPS spys in our cars the very idea of speeding will dissapear.  You will have to download your data each month then recieve a fine by return for the times you transgressed.  Perhaps there will be a sort of Direct Debit to pay it off?  Can we say 'Big Brother' (and I don't mean the crap TV show for social misfits)

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[quote user="Iceni"]

TV, make your mind up or should the law be applied differently in your case ? I think we should be told.




If I told you, you might not hear it.  The law applies to all equally, or should do (of course it doesn't, but it should).  I got busted, I paid the fine.  What are you going on about?  If you can't tell the difference between a fair bust and an unfair one, then I wonder if you have a critical sense of discrimination.  And besides, did I want to travel down to Manchester, pay court fees, (since I would have lost), trying to prove it was a dirty trick?  Of course not, I paid the fine.  I WAS speeding.   Have you got anything positive to add to the debate or are you just a grumbler.  Take the example of Bugbear, he can be nasty critic, but also has a few thoughts of a creative nature which he shares with all of us.

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TV, merely highlighting 2 of yr statements that appear contradictory. I agree that if you break the law you should pay the price. Speed cameras are a great way to gather taxes that I might otherwise have to pay. Long may they continue.



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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

When we all have to have GPS spys in our cars the very idea of speeding will dissapear.  You will have to download your data each month then recieve a fine by return for the times you transgressed.  Perhaps there will be a sort of Direct Debit to pay it off?  Can we say 'Big Brother' (and I don't mean the crap TV show for social misfits)


Or you could try exceeding the limit from peage to peage.

From taking your ticket at peage A, the clock starts ticking. If you arrive at peage B and the machine calculates a speed in excess of the limit between the 2 peages, don't be surprised if you get pulled.

You don't need a GPS spy in the car, just the speeding idiot behind the wheel who takes a bit of card out of a machine![:)]


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True but the cops only seem to be interested in those lanes where you hand over cash.  They don't seem interested in the Telepeage Doofer lane.  Maybe they need the human operator to give them the nod?  Given the length of the queues for paying sometimes, if you are still caught, then you must really have been shifting.

Been stopped a few times for random breath tests at the Peage too.

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Referring to "the speeding idiot behind the wheel" as you do implies that you exclude yourself from the description and therefore one must assume that you too have your own pedestal of virtue from which I'm sure we all hope you never fall [:D]
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[quote user="Pierre ZFP"]

True but the cops only seem to be interested in those lanes where you hand over cash.  They don't seem interested in the Telepeage Doofer lane.  Maybe they need the human operator to give them the nod?  Given the length of the queues for paying sometimes, if you are still caught, then you must really have been shifting.


Not quite sure how the system works, but I know of 1 person who got pulled some 5 or 600 metres after paying their toll. Once back at the Gendarmerie, they showed him the calculated average speed between peages, and fined accordingly!

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[quote user="ErnieY"]Referring to "the speeding idiot behind the wheel" as you do implies that you exclude yourself from the description and therefore one must assume that you too have your own pedestal of virtue from which I'm sure we all hope you never fall [:D][/quote]

Assume what you like EarnieY, the law is the law! Certainly in the UK at least, with so many traffic/speed cameras in place - clearly indicated, one has got to question the sanity of the person who chooses to exceed the limits in place.

If I want to exceed those limits in the UK, then fortunately as a member of a blue light service, on occasion I can - but I am subject to exactly the same Road Traffic Act as everyone else so, if things go wrong I risk prosecution just like everybody else.

I enjoy driving within the law - what's wrong with that?


I noticed your smiley

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I think the issue of speed cameras clouds the road safety issue. I drive over 30,000 miles a year and have done for as many years as I can remember and in my opinion the introduction of speed cameras in the UK has not improved overall road safety to a significant degree and I guess the same will be said in France if the number of cameras increases dramatically. I use the M25 on a daily basis and there are now many sections with cameras on the overhead gantries, at least two sections with roadworks and average speed cameras but the accidents still happen more often than not in the average speed camera areas. Should these not be the safest areas if we are to believe that speed cameras reduce accidents. What has happened is that as more cameras are introduced the number of police patrols has decreased with the result that driving standards and behaviour have dropped. A camera cannot see the idiot who is tailgating, or the person in so much of a hurry that he weaves from lane to lane undetaking often at speeds in excess of 90mph. What we need is more police patrols, in plain cars if necessary as it is the only way to catch the dangerous drivers. I am all in favour of speed cameras and even reduced speed limits in appropriate areas, e.g. 20mph outside schoools.

And yes driving 30,000 miles a year inevitably I have exceeded the speed limit on occasions but what is more dangerous, the guy who spends more time looking at his speedometer than the road or the driver who observes the road conditions constantly and glances at the speedomemter occasionally. I know who I would rather be in the car with.


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[quote user="daryl-et-elaine"]

....................................fortunately as a member of a blue light service, on occasion I can - but I am subject to exactly the same Road Traffic Act as everyone else so, if things go wrong I risk prosecution just like everybody else.


Unless your name is Mark Milton..........................................[:@]


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[quote user="Iceni"]

TV, merely highlighting 2 of yr statements that appear contradictory. I agree that if you break the law you should pay the price. Speed cameras are a great way to gather taxes that I might otherwise have to pay. Long may they continue.




Well, John, if you read everything I write, you will find many contradictions.  Life is inherently about tensions, conflicts and contradictions.  They always exist.  If you think you can make them go away by some pseudo-rational logic, you are naive or just can't see.  Living comfortably with the tensions of life is where its at, not pretending they don't exist.  So if you tell me I have contradictions, I am not bothered.  Its like saying I have ideas or thoughts.  I think that you can understand the sense of what I am saying qutie easily.  Even, wink, wink, with the contradictions.

All the best.

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