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Maison secondaire in France plus car registration

banyuls diver

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My we do seem a tad bristly for an almost 50 year old grandmother [:D]

[quote user="Framboise"]

Well actually I had no idea that the odds 'n ends on my car would make it into such a speed machine seeing as I bought it that way, and furthermore I thought if you fiddled with the engine etc that meant "modified".


"No idea - I thought". Modified = Non standard, in "as it left the factory", it's very clear, and Air induction and fruity exhausts most definately fall into the category of engine mods and even if they were fitted when you bought it from your post it seems clear that you were aware it was non standard so the old mantra applies - if in doubt ask.

[quote user="Framboise"]

Well, for the information of you lot who seem to think I am some despicable person because I happen to like my little car a wee bit different,  IT IS INSURED.  We paid the extra premium on top of what they have already had, so the repairs will continue much to your chagrin....


Not to my chagrin nor has anybody called you despicable and actually I'm very pleased (and I have to say not a little surprised) that you've been allowed to pay an extra premium after the event. Frankly I think you probably owe the telephone on wheels some thanks and gratitude not condemnation !

[quote user="Framboise"]

...I will take my matchbox racing car to a specialist insurer instead or I will leave her in France and insure her there


I wish you luck but don't forget that the French system also takes a pretty hard line on modifications !

[quote user="Framboise"]

Oh and to test your theory that I won't get insured again because I am The Master Criminal of the Universe, well unlucky [:P].  I've just been offerred another quote for my "pocket rocket 1.2 Clio with endless mods..." and its only a bit more that I had paid the Phone Lot yet without all the additional stuff I had to pay to just get her repaired.   I shall be taking that quote when renewal time comes, so you can all rest easy in the knowledge that I am not swindling the Insurance Company - perish the thought!  [:@]


I'm sure we're all very happy for you but if the "Phone Lot" had not allowed you to retrospectively rectify the situation, probably because of the specific circumstances of the accident where you were obviously not at fault, then I think it might be a different story.


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"A tad bristly"?   I could be a be as bristly as an Echidna (I assume you know what that is, oh wise Oracle?)   I

It must be SOOOOOOOOOO good to be blessed with such immense amounts of sanctimonious, self-righteous smugness, tucked away in your own little rainbow-filled world because you are always right about everything.   God had better watch out because he is in danger of losing his job.

I am not even going to quantify you with any further responses - go and drive your Rover![6]   

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I don't know why people think that 'updating' their car from the manufactured spec by adding different/extra parts etc. does not constitute a modification.

Alloys wheels = more desirable to thieves = more risk to the underwriter. (in the same vein, some insurers even consider badges as a vehicle modification because it increases the risk of theft - e.g. putting an M3/M5 badge on your BMW when it isn't)

As for the sports exhaust - not to mention the performance improvements (albeit maybe not that significant on a 1.2 clio!) - if as perhaps has happened in your case the rear of the exhaust is damaged, then because it is non-standard it may well be that the insurer has to pay more to replace a larger portion of (or the entire) exhaust - why should they pay the extra when you didn't inform them that it was not a standard system - which is what their insurance quotation is based on?

Declaring modifications is not all about the increased risk of having an accident because your vehicle is 'sportier'.


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Framboise, anybody can make a mistake in good faith. Hindsight is wonderful, isn't it. Glad you got everything resolved with no lasting ill-effects. At least you and others in a similar position who may read this will know better for the future.
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