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Air conditioning

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Hello Teamed Up,

Modern domestic units are very low maintenance with just an annual maintenance visit at most. The filters, which are on the room units, are simple to remove and clean.

I think the perception of air conditioning breeding bacteria comes from problems in the past with much older industrial centralised water cooled installations in offices, that were not properly maintained.

Modern domestic units such as my Hitachi system are sealed and each unit only circulates air in the room it is located. It operates on a similar basis as a fridge or freezer.

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Sorely tempted to pick up a mobile A/C unit in Mr Bricolage today, but thought I would first ask if anyone has any recommendations for an efficient unit that's fairly quiet & not too costly to run (some hope I know)- any clues on the price we should be paying? The nights are really hot and sticky down here in 23 - it can only continue or get worse in July/August I fear.

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