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DRIRE cerfificate


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A local garage said Citroen will charge about 120 euros for a Cerficate of Conformity.  Citroen UK charge £92.50.  From reading on this forum, DRIRE might be cheaper.   When I told the garage guy this he said 'oh, don't have anything to do with DRIRE, they will want to check every tiny detail, they are like the police.'   I don't understand as I assumed DRIRE just produce the appropriate paperwork and don't actually inspect the car!  Presumably what they provide is as acceptable to the Prefecture and the Controle Technique as a manufacturer's certificate?

When another garage checked the VIN number on their computer, the car details came up.

I will print out the DRIRE form and take it to the local office.  Is there anything I need to take that I haven't thought of:  car reg document, proof of address, passport, driving licence....



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I think llantony is (maybe) referring to the CoC from DRIRE for a car which is (hopefully) already on their database in which case their fee is something like 67 euro.  I just sent off for the same.  In this case yes I believe it is a cheaper way to go and no they don't need to inspect the car if they already have the model on their database.

That's my understanding anyhow, watch this space.....

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I think llantony is (maybe) referring to the CoC from DRIRE for a car which is (hopefully) already on their database in which case their fee is something like 67 euro.  I just sent off for the same.  In this case yes I believe it is a cheaper way to go and no they don't need to inspect the car if they already have the model on their database.

Yes, thanks, that was my understanding.  As I said, it's a Citroen and it came up on whatever database the local garage used

UPDATE!   Went to DRIRE in Montauban , they told us we have to apply to Cahors office which covers Lot + Tarn et Garonne.  Phoned Cahors - they no longer do the Attestation d'identification and gave me the details for Citroen!  Phoned Citroen - 135 euros!  For a piece of paper they probably churn out of a computer in seconds.....

Perhaps need to update the FAQ?



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"Could it have been because it's a UK market Vauxhall and not an Opel"

Not at all, they require the 17 digit European identifier (on my Vectra its on the drivers door pillar) which iirc is available for all European vehicles from 1997. Before this date, some do have it (my vectra included), some don't have it.

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UPDATE!   Went to DRIRE in Montauban , they told us we have to apply to Cahors office which covers Lot + Tarn et Garonne.  Phoned Cahors - they no longer do the Attestation d'identification and gave me the details for Citroen!  Phoned Citroen - 135 euros!  For a piece of paper they probably churn out of a computer in seconds.....

Perhaps need to update the FAQ?

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I did mention on a much earlier thread that the DRIRE national site was no longer publishing the process details and forms for requesting an attestation d'identification.  However, since then, some people have reported success, and the link I supplied (Poitou Charentes DRIRE) suggests that some local offices may still be offering the service.

As in your case, a simple phone call can clarify the local situation.



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