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Change address on carte grise


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Just realised yesterday that I forgot to change the address on my carte grise when we moved a year ago (can't believe it is that long ago).  With my rotten French, I think the document is telling me that I must notify the Prefecture by the month following the move. We are still within the same department.   Will we go the the guillotine or just get deported?  [8-)]


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I think it has to be the Prefecture ( or Sous Prefecture).

Changed ours last year but can't remember if they wanted any proof of the current address. To be on the safe side take a utility bill or recent bank statement which is not more than a month old.


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You register a change of address at the prefecture (within one month of moving).  You'll need to fill in a demande de certificat d'immatriculation and produce your old carte grise, passport and utility bill.

If you prefer, you can take the documents to the sous-prefecture - they will check them, take your fee and send the papers to the prefecture for processing.  You can ask the prefecture to mail the new carte grise to your home address.

Some Mairies will do you a favour by checking you've filled everything out OK and send the papers to the prefecture on your behalf.

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Thank you very much everybody.  I have to confess that my first instinct is that I am going to have to lie about when we moved. [6] Trouble is, I am not a very good liar in English, G knows how I will manage in French[:$]  Perhaps I should wait until next month which will make it a full year and then just "make a mistake with the year".  Our Prefecture is Peregueux, don't know if we have a sous Prefecture but would guess that Peregueux is probably closer anyway.

Thanks again,


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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

If you prefer, you can take the documents to the sous-prefecture - they will check them, take your fee and send the papers to the prefecture for processing.  [/quote]


In some big towns and cities, the mairies handle a lot more things than in the average country town or village mairie, however, in regards to car registration the sous-prefectures perform exactly the same functions  as the Prefecture, applications are not forwarded on they are dealt with on the spot at the sous -prefecture.  Most departments have two sous- prefectures so you usually have a choice of three places to go and get a new carte grise.

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Our sous-prefecture at Bressuire (Deux Sevres) does not process cartes grises.  They send them on to the prefecture at Niort.

The original poster lives in Dordogne.  The sous-prefectures at Sarlat and Bergerac only advertise a service for depositing demandes de cartes grises.

In general, it's the prefecture which processes the applications - but of course, there may be exceptions to the rule.... [;-)]

Sous-préfecture de Millau - 12,380 cartes grise processed in 2002
Sous-Préfecture de Villefranche-de-Rouergue - no statistics for cartes grises






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[quote user="Sunday Driver"]

Relax.  No need to wait any longer or make a mistake with the year.

The demande de certificat d'immatriculation has a "changement de domicile" tick box at the top.  You also fill in your new address.  No date of change of address is required. 


Thank you Sunday Driver, that's a relief.  It encouraged me to Google under 'demande de certif...................etc. and I found a form to download so I can complete it at home which makes it even easier.

Have a lovely day.[:D]


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  • 3 years later...
I'm in a similar position and need to change the address on 2 cartes grises - we move to a new house in the next village 2km away, but it's in another departement.

Which prefeture do I go to - the 'old' one or the 'new' one?

Instead of a utility bill, will a new house and/or car insurance policy be acceptable? (I will have no bills as we don't sign the acte for another month)

I presume I don't need to fill in much of page 2 of the demande de certificat d'immatriculation with all of the engine cc's, weight etc. as I did this 5 years ago when I first registered the car (imported). So none of this, nor any 'proof of purchase' or 'receipt' for the purchase of the car or 'cert. conformité' nonsense?

What (if any) are the costs? 1 car, 1 2CV camionette?

Will I get a new style reg number? Does this affect the cost (apart from making the plates..)?

Many thanks indeed.

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You can now use any prefecture of your choice, so just go to the nearest one.

The demande form has now been simplified.  Just fill in your personal details plus the half dozen vehicle details from the carte grise. Other than producing your carte grise, passport and a utility bill, no other documents are required.

If your car currently has an old style registration number, then the change to a new SIV 'for life' number will involve a registration fee.  The current fee is shown on your carte grise.

Edit:  Missed a bit - a house insurance certificate will suffice for proof of address.


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I don't know if it's the same in other départements but here in 50 the sous-préfectures no longer issue cartes grises, it's all done at the main préfecture in Saint-Lô. Alternatively, you can now give the paperwork to a garage that is authorised to handle CG applications. We changed the owner of a car a week or two ago; it already had a new-style number.

We did it through our local garage. There is a small fee payable, but it was well worth it to avoid a long round trip and a wait because we don't trust the postal system with original documents. We got the new CG in 3-4 working days after visiting the garage. It works the same for applications for change of address.

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