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Tax on hobbies


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If you look at that nice Mr Chirac's new proposals for micro entreprises they are designed to make paying cotisations easier for small start-up businesses, particularly those carried out as spare time activities by those in employment elsewhere.

I think that might answer the question.


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[quote user="Russethouse"]I know someone who kept saying her eBaying was a hobby - the French taxman did not agree [/quote]

I think I read somewhere - maybe on LF - that the French tax authorities' interest in EBay transactions is why Ebay France has not been the success it has been in other countries. I've no idea how accurate that is.

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Certainly in the UK, hobby income is not necessarily taxable (or conversely, losses incurred deductible).  In the UK it would depend on a number of factors, inter alia - the intent, the organisational approach to the activity, the frequency and nature of the receipts and profits etc.


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[quote user="catalpa"][quote user="Russethouse"]I know someone who kept saying her eBaying was a hobby - the French taxman did not agree [/quote]

I think I read somewhere - maybe on LF - that the French tax authorities' interest in EBay transactions is why Ebay France has not been the success it has been in other countries. I've no idea how accurate that is.


HMRC are very interested in the ebay activities of UK residents....


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There are four problems with Ebay in France.

The French like to buy cheap (don't we all).

The French don't like to loose money (depreciation is not in their dictonary). Example, 3 year old above ground pool for 200 Euros less than it's new price of around 2,500 Euro's and thats the starting bid and you have to go and take it down and transport it yourself!.

The French are far behind the rest of us with regards to internet shopping although they are catching up a bit.

They don't really understand how Ebay works. Example, auction ends they send a cheque (they don't like/trust PayPal and very few if any debit cards have online shopping protestion in France) they send no other paperwork so if you are selling just one item then it's not a problem. If you are selling ten then you have to work out who sent the cheque and for what. They never tell you they are sending a cheque it just arrives any time from a few days to the end of the month.

If something is damaged in the post for example they often don't tell you or discuss the problem they just give negative feedback which puts sellers off because they get too much negative feedback.

Spain is almost the same except there are major problems with the postal system there, like things only have a 50/50 chance of arriving.

To the original question, no there is not, you must declare it as part of your income. I don't think there is anything in France which is tax free.

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On a personal note my biggest gripe is with French ebay sellers who simply seem to completely underestimate the amount of packaging required to ensure safe arrival of ceramics ! [:(][:(]

One thing that hobbyists have to watch out for is that their hobby isn't impinging on someone elses living. [:-))] How to be reported in one easy lesson !

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Hi to all,

I am so glad I have read your thoughts on E-Bay France as I have considered buying from France myself recently. I was quite surprised how many bids there were per item especially in the glass/ceramics category. And that many of the sellers post worldwide. However, for those of us whose french is not yet fluent, it is a good way to learn new words and phrases. I have just purchased a Citroen Xsara for when I move to France later this year (not off E-bay I must add) but I looked at comparably models on France E-bay and they were twice the mileage and twice the price!! [:(]Having said all that I have bought and sold mostly unwanted items from friends and family on E-bay UK for four years or more and not had a breakage at all.  


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