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Small business charges


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Quotes seen recently elsewhere: "Do you know that you even have to pay social security charges on any interest you earn from savings in the UK!!" 

And, referring to self-employed setting up a small business: "Don't forget the payment for registering the business as well (usually around 150euros)."

are these statements correct?

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1) As you have to declare interest from savings in the UK, and indeed any worldwide assets for tax purposes once you become resident in France, yes, you will have to pay CMU on it.

2) I seem to remember writing out a cheque for a small amount when I registered our micro at the Chambre de Commerce 4 years ago.
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The fee for registering is 98 euros for an Entreprise Individuelle (effectively self employed) around here.  The guy at my local CC told me it was about 10,000 euros for a SARL (equiv of UK Ltd Co) - I don't have any personal experience of that, but it does sound rather high!  The tax regime (e.g. Micro, Real etc) is something different, don't confuse the two.


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[quote user="mmaddock"]...........  The guy at my local CC told me it was about 10,000 euros for a SARL (equiv of UK Ltd Co) - I don't have any personal experience of that, but it does sound rather high!  The tax regime (e.g. Micro, Real etc) is something different, don't confuse the two.


No, he was wrong. It's not as much as that.


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I didn't think so, it did sound rather high!  I didn't question him too much because it wasn't something I was considering anyway - I suspect he might have been talking about accountants fees etc. etc. in that price as well. 

I have to say, he was possibly the most helpful person I've met here so far (and most people are pretty helpful IME) and spent several hours with me talking things through when I registered.  It was just a shame I didn't go to him when I first got here because he said I could have been entitled to some large grants and have social charges waived for the first year if I had gone to him when we first got here and gone to register as unemployed.


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If you are taking Zeb's answer for a paying client granny, you will confuse them totally, because its wrong.

However, if you do a search and research the difference between Health care charges and social charges, which has been discussed a lot and obviously still confuses people, then you will see that the origional statement applied to social charges, which are totally different and separate from income tax or health care contributions/charges is 100% correct.  I trust my fee is in the post[:P].

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The original comment referred to "social security" charges rather than "social" charges.  Given that the CMU registration process generates one's social security number, then Zeb's interpretation of the question seems reasonable. 

Perhaps the OP might like to clarify her question for the avoidance of doubt?  Sticking to the French terms "cotisations de CMU" and "contributions sociales" might help maintain the distinction.


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We could also do with some clarification about exactly what charges are being referred to, bearing in mind the topic title 'small business charges'. As a business, even a small one, you have to pay a lot of other cotisations over and above the health (CMU) component. Our accountant reckons on around 46% of taxable income.
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If you have a sarl and  you are not the gerant majorataire then if you draw smic or just above smic then your social charges are around 21% for the company and then around 20% for you as a employee. You can then pay yourself and the other shareholders dividends so avoiding most of the social charges except for the odious and totally illegal 11% hole filler. However if you pay yourself say 1400€ per month then the employers social sec charge goes up to 40%, which is totally obscene and which is one of the 100 good reasons not to vote for the Royal family.


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