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Complete France Forum

Why do you stay in France?


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[quote user="Newtothis"]I am new to this forum and can't believe how often some of you post!!  Do any of you have jobs, not to mention, dare I say, lives[/quote]

Just ignore the joining dates. If it says 23/8/2004 it's a great big fib. [:)]

I joined at least a year before that, and some people with the same fake join date were here a long time before me.

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[quote user="Newtothis"]

RumziGal, I thought I had just read, (I am doing a whole search on you all right now), that says you work in the UK whilst hubs and child are at home, what do you do that allows all this time on the forums?  Are there any other jobs going, must be a doddle your job!!


I work odd hours!   Yesterday my son was awake at 3am with a fever, so I got up with him and worked right through the day while he slept, did about 18 hours in all, so today is, for obvious reasons, not "full on"!

No, it isn't a doddle, but I enjoy it very much, so it doesn't seem like hard work.  [:)]

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[quote user="RumziGal"]

Ah, gwan with you, you cynical old thing, don't tell me you didn't laff when LG said "these people are masquerading as a bug".    ROFL!!  [:)]

Is your pussy French?


Do you know, I've never looked.

Verrry interesting - the word 'pussy' which was asterisked out in your post is in clear in the quote I am looking at at the moment.

And no, I have no life, never have had. Nope. Just a bug.

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Smirk man! you can do better than that........ a wry smile perhaps?

Come on tell us, don't you just find yourself smiling as you read the threads, if I do, surely a lot more of you do.


Newtothis, I am bored in rural France, what else should I be doing but be on here. I also read and type fast, so I don't necessarily spend as much time on here as you imagine.

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I have been following the 15 pages or so, as usual. I know I have 'spoken' with many of you in the pst about various things.


We are still working out how we get to France permanently. We have the plans, which we are slowly putting together - why do we want to move because we have friends - English & french in France. We have the chance to have a bit of land, have some chickens, bees - honey - grow some vegetables and I hope that this will give my hubby a better life. After thirty odd years of working on the railway all he's looking at, for the present,  is a short retirement before death. I would like us to go for long walks, watch the logs in the fire, and all the other idylic things we dream of. Surely that is not too much to ask before we pop our clogs?

Yes, the weather can be crap - as it is here today in England, people can be rude - yes, we have that here in England too, but whether it's France, Spain or whereever, I think we are all moving to France to have time together with our family. That to me is the main thing you all talk about - the OH and family.

These threads from you all in France keep our spirits going when we can not be there,even if we fail and don't get there, we just want to be able to say we tried.

Keep up the help and information,

Keni & Chris

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i just HAVE to reply.  i do hope your husband has more than a "short retirement".  my own husband is 75, still working; not because he needs to but because he loves his work.

we hope to be in france full time very soon now and yes, we just want some time together (however much or little that might be) before we depart this earth.

i wish i could believe in a life after this one but, with the best will in the world, i can't.

all the very best

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[quote user="Keni"]

We are still working out how we get to France permanently. We have the plans, which we are slowly putting together - why do we want to move because we have friends - English & french in France. We have the chance to have a bit of land, have some chickens, bees - honey - grow some vegetables and I hope that this will give my hubby a better life. After thirty odd years of working on the railway all he's looking at, for the present,  is a short retirement before death. I would like us to go for long walks, watch the logs in the fire, and all the other idylic things we dream of. Surely that is not too much to ask before we pop our clogs?


All the right reasons in my book and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, Live your Dream.

Good luck to both of you.

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Hope you make it soon Keni, yes all those things you dream of are possible. There will also be frustrating times ahead for you no doubt but you have already established friends here in France and they will make life easier for you, good luck and NO it is not too much to ask.

best regards


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[quote user="pale_pink_specs"]

p.s I'm allergic to achohol... does that mean I won't fit in? [blink]


Nah! We could do with a sober head round here.[:)]

If you look at our names, most people have added their location/s to their profile. If you want to add yours, go to your name at the top of the page and click on it.

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[quote user="sweet 17"]


i just HAVE to reply.  i do hope your husband has more than a "short retirement".  my own husband is 75, still working; not because he needs to but because he loves his work.

[/quote] I just have to ask sweet 17! 

How old are you? 

I remember the first day you posted on the forum and I think you probably remember me.  I thought you were about late 30's early 40's.  Maybe you are - just 'cos' your OH is 75 doesn't mean that he couldn't be married to a young 'un.  It's given me an idea to start a thread on how old we percieve people to be on a forum. 

For example,  lots of people were under the impression that Tresco was a 'lady of a certain age' or at least in her 50's.  When she posted a photo of herself on the forum many were surprised and commented on her youth. 

I've met her in 'real life' and she does look younger than she is, however on the forum she comes across as somebody much older because of her wit and wisdom.

I'm sorry to babbling but I was told by one of my sisters to drink vodka instead of wine but I like those big glasses and.........sorry I'll start a new thread[:$]

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