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English speaking hairdressers around Carcassonne


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Hi there,


Just wondering if there is much of a need for an English speaking hairdresser around Carcassonne?  My wife and myself are (hoping) to be living there within the next two months.  My wife is an outstandingly talented hairdresser from Ireland who will be looking for work when we get there.


Does anyone know or can find out for us if most hairdressers in France are self employed/PAYE/rent a chair (at what sort of cost?). 


Any thoughts appreciated!



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I have a place near Carcassonne, Oh yes I would only go to some one who totally understood every word I said because I am the worlds worse wimp when it comes to having my hair cut ,

Where as I always try to speak french in every shop I go to, the hair dressers is one place that words dont matter as much as some one who totally understand what I want [8-)]

When are you coming ??? Will you be mobile or have a shop? and do you wax legs as well ?

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Sounds good!

We're coming n Wednesay for a week to (hopefully) find a suitable place to rent.  Assuming we find somewhere we'll be there as soon as possible.  I guess Joanne won't be doing much before New Year though!


Leg waxes - no 'fraid not.  I think Joanne will maybe be looking for a chair in a salon somewhere for 2 or 3 days a week.



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Do plenty of research into self employment in France before you make too many plans! A small business set up is beurocratic and costly, not to mention difficult if you don't speak French.

Self employed hairdressers have to register with the Chambre de Metiers (as an artisan) and the cotisations (health, social security, pension and national debt payments) start from day one and could be up to 4000 euros in the first year as they are worked out to a formula for the first couple of years then adjusted according to your income tax declaration. So, part-time work is difficult; it may be best to try to find a salon which will employ you, but get professional advice as there may be help according to your circumstances/the area in which you live etc.
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  • 2 months later...
Carcassonne would be as good a bet as any I'd guess - there is a high proportion of English speakers around there due to the international airport.

I flew in to there this morning and noticed quite alot of people with the hippyish-just-let-my-hair-do-anything type hairstyles (can look good, despite my description [:)]).  This could mean one of three things:

1. (Optimistic) they are crying out for a good hairdresser to whom they can explain their wishes in their mother tongue

2. (Pessimisstic) they don't care two hoots about their hairstyle - all of Carcassonne's hairdressers are struggling

3. (Neutral) they like their hair just the way it is, styled by their current hairdresser... can your wife do the hippy-trim?

I live about 25 miles away from Carcassonne and my nearest town Revel seems to have loads of hairdressers ... but i don't know how many of them speak foreign languages.  It's an interesting niche - but I would predict that the fact your wife is "an outstandingly talented hairdresser" will be of more value than her ability to speak English (or any other foreign language).

Have you considered Toulouse - bigger city, cosmopolitan population including several thousand anglophones courtesy of the aerospace industry - and (IMHO) more people who "invest" in their hairstyles?

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  • 3 months later...
Hi there,

I'd definitely be interested in getting my hair cut from an English speaker and I also live near Carcassonne - so please let me know if you've already moved to Carcassonne and I'll become one of your customers :-)

[...] just reply to this forum again with your details.



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My OH commented after a recent visit to the village hairdresser that the latter asked about what she had planned for the weekend, whether she had seen the latest soap on telly, and where she was going on her holidays.  So you should not need to retrain too much on those aspects of customer service. [:)]

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I live about 30 minutes away from Carcassonne and I too would be interested in having my hair cut by an english speaking hairdresser as I have had to resort to having my hair cut by my son.  Any more update on when you will be moving here?
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  • 5 months later...


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