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Working as self-employed and as an employee


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I presume you mean is it legally possible rather then physically possible, but the answer is yes to both.

You can certainly start a spare-time business while being in salaried employment; that's exactly why the recently-introduced autoentrepreneur regime was launched. Neither is there any difficulty over a self-employed person taking on salaried work.


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Good advice, Albert. Look very closely at any contract of employment. It's all in the autoentrepreneur guide. See http://www.lautoentrepreneur.fr/images/3_Guide.pdf

Judie has a salaried job, and has successfully got an autoentrepreneur business under way, so we know it works. In her case the business is related to, though different from, her paid work, and is being done with the consent of her employer.

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I also do as Will describes above, I am Prof Lib Micro Bnc and also am currently a salaried seasonal employee.  I'm not sure how this will affect my cotisations etc. (I'm expecting cotsations for the micro to stay the same, they are after all a percentage of income) . I also know that it is a comon set up particularly for people I've met who teach, my Uni prof for example also took private lessons, with the Uni's consent.


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