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New business registration!


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I am from outside Europe (schengen area). I want to set up a leather garment wholesale business in france.

Can anybody tell me basic requirments to setting up a small business in France.

I shall be very thankful for suggesstion or comments.

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Starting a business in France can be a bit complicated even for French or EU citizens so advice on a forum like this is likely to be inadequate or even misleading.

Also, you don't give much info. What country are you a citizen of? Are you expecting to live in France or operate the business from elsewhere? There are many factors that could affect how you go about things.

I think you should contact your local French embassy and ask for information.

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I believe that you are the person who wanted somebody in France to provide you with an attestation d'acceuil to visit France as a tourist. Now you want details of setting up a business in France. Maybe now you can see why people are unwilling to take chances - you obviously are not wanting to come as a tourist!
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As I don't know you I can't doubt you, but as a retired government tax official I would certainly smell a rat here. If you're unable to get a tourist visa I fail to see how, from Pakistan, you'd manage to get a business off the ground in France. However, I think the earlier contributor has hit the nail on the head. I, too, suggest you contact your local French embassy.
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