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CNAV - Assedic- UK Pension quandry


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If anyone can shed any light on this niggling issue, to which neither Assedic nor CNAV can or will give me a straight answer, would be very grateful :


 Million-dollar question: am I entitled to Assedic benefits ?


The situation:

I’m currently on “conge de reclassement” which ends Sept 2010. Date of birth : 1948:  Number of trimesters required for full French pension: 160.


My lastest info received from CNAV:

35 trimestres worked in UK (prior to France)

135 trimestres “regime general”, so a total of

165 trimestres  “tous régimes”

My French pension will be reduced by almost 20% as I haven’t the full number of trimesters of “régime general”

As far as I know, I’m not entitled to any (even partial) retirement pension from UK, as I understand the minimum number of years contributed is 10.


I’ve contributed full time for the last 3 years, so will I be entitled to Assedic payments for 3 years (more advantageous financially) when my conge de reclassement ends,  or will they refuse, as I have 165 trimestres “tous regimes” and will be automatically have to apply for my retraite ?


It’s looking as if , after working & contributing for  41+ years, all I’ll end up with about 80% of my French state pension & zero from UK (am still waiting for more info from UK pensions office..).


Seems like I’m a  “cas special”   Any wise words of wisdom out there ?






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My case is different, but similar in that it is based on both UK and French contributions.

1) I think you would only be entitled to 2 years Assedic in any case, supposing that they gave it to you. (So 8 more trimestres)

Does being over 60 make a difference to the right to Assedic?

2)When I first asked for my French pension forecast (to retire at 61) I was given the option of waiting till 65 and getting a larger sum (even without more contributions).

Are your figures based on a CNAV forecast? Have they given you that option.

I also understood that both countries calculate the pension you would receive under their system, and you get the better of the two, paid by the two Goverments in proportion, but the UK part has to wait until you are 65.

Certainly I only get the French part at the moment, but I am not yet 65

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Thanks for reply - I would normally be allowed 3 years Assedic payments (the rule is if you're over 60, and do not have all your trimestres (don't know if this is 'tous régimes' or "régime général")  then you would be eligible. If you have all your trimestres and can retire, then you don't receive Assedic.

Yes my figures are based on French pension forecast. At 62 I've been made redundant so don't have the option of working till 65 which I'd intended to do to boost the number of trimestres I have & doubt if I'll get a full -time job now.

So am I right in thinking, I would get a part of my pension from France and a part from UK ?

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That is what I understand:

Le principe de libre

circulation des travailleurs de la zone d’application

des règlements communautaires entraîne la coordination de différents

régimes de retraite européens grâce à l’application

des règlements communautaires.

Si vous avez travaillé dans la zone

d’application des règlements communautaires,
un double calcul

de la retraite est effectué selon ces règlements. Il

consiste à comparer :

  • la retraite calculée en

    fonction de votre seule carrière

    en France,

    intitulée « pension nationale »,
  • et la part à notre charge de la pension communautaire prenant en

    compte toutes vos activités dans les États membres de la zone

    d’application des règlements communautaires.

    Le montant le plus avantageux vous est attribué.

3 éléments

sont pris en compte :

  • votre salaire

    de base,
    déterminé à partir des salaires cotisés

    à notre régime,
  • le taux, déterminé à partir des trimestres retenus

    pour la pension nationale auxquels sont ajoutés les trimestres


    par les autres États de la zone d’application des règlements


    (4 trimestres sont retenus par année civile),
  • votre

    durée d’assurance
    à notre régime dans la

    limite de la durée maximale fixée en fonction

    de votre année de naissance.

Le calcul se décompose en 2 étapes :

  • 1ère

    étape :
    Vos périodes

    d’assurance et/ou de résidence dans tous les États de


    zone d’application des règlements communautaires


    pour déterminer une pension théorique à laquelle vous

    auriez pu prétendre si toute votre carrière s’était

    réalisée en France.
  • 2ème étape : le montant

    de cette pension théorique est réduit en proportion de vos

    périodes d’assurance à notre régime.

    C’est notre part de la pension communautaire.

    Cette part est comparée au montant de la pension nationale.

La somme la plus avantageuse vous est


Source https://www.retraite.cnav.fr/portal/page/portal/Y_GP_NAT/Y_P_NAT_ESPACES/Y_P_NAT_ESPACEF/Y_P_NAT_ESPACEF_CALCUL/Y_P_NAT_ESPACEF_CALCUL_CAS1

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Thanks for info Norman. Went to see a very competent lady at the CNAV yesterday - she confirmed that  when my "congé de reclassement" terminates in September, I will receive ARE (Assedic) indemnities for 36 months until my 65th birthday. I would then have a full  French state pension  (even though I would then only have 147 trimestres instead of the required 160) I hope this is accurate and that from now till 2013 no further legislation will come into force to mess this up... ;-)

For the years I worked in UK  (total 35 trimestres) , I've been told by Newcastle that I will not be eligible for UK pension (even a small proportionate amount) as the minimum required is 10 years contributions. ?

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The explanation of the ARE is here :http://www.travail-solidarite.gouv.fr/informations-pratiques,89/fiches-pratiques,91/chomage,125/l-allocation-d-aide-au-retour-a-l,1130.html#sommaire_1

This is the information I referred to before:

"How is the pension entitlement decided between the UK and France?

The amount to which you are entitled is worked

out by each country in which you have worked and paid contributions,

and set against the amount to which you would have been entitled had you

been in that country full time. The countries involved will decide how

much your contributions would entitle you to within their own system,

and will send details to any other involved country. You then receive an

appropriate proportion of your entitlement from each country. "

Unfortunately this comes from   http://www.frenchpropertylinks.com/essential/pensions-france.html

rather than from a reliable source, but the old Pension Service site (now gone) used to say much the same thing.

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