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Usigned contract


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I had an extension to a contract earlier this year, as the contract is drawn up at the head office it was a week or so before all the paperwork arrived, then the boss was away for a few days, when he got back he called me straight into the office to sign as he said at that time is was working illegally. My daughter started doing a bit of work in the local old peoples home and used to get called in to cover sick staff and those on holiday, every time a contract had to be signed, even if it was only for 1 day or a weekend!!! Tiz no wonder the french companies don't like employing people, I know it is protection for the employee and the firm but a simple assumed contract/letter like the UK would make their life much easier wouldn't it?


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[quote user="Mareille"]Its actually an extension to a 3 month contract the first was signed I was wondering if the second contract can be ended early if the employer finds it neccessary I just didnt word the question very well


In my case it was clearly stated in the contract start date and end date, in actual fact mine stated that the contract would run until the return of the sick driver I was covering for, so it didn't have an exact end date, as soon as the sick driver came back I had to go into the office and sign another contract as they wanted me to stay on for a couple of weeks more. That one had an end date, guess what another driver went of sick so yet again another contract to sign!! went there for what should have been 2 weeks ended up staying for 3 months. Just had my call up papers again and start back there sometime in September date yet to be confirmed, good for the bank account though!


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[quote user="pitway"][quote user="Mareille"]Its actually an extension to a 3 month contract the first was signed I was wondering if the second contract can be ended early if the employer finds it neccessary I just didnt word the question very well


In my case it was clearly stated in the contract start date and end date, in actual fact mine stated that the contract would run until the return of the sick driver I was covering for, so it didn't have an exact end date, as soon as the sick driver came back I had to go into the office and sign another contract as they wanted me to stay on for a couple of weeks more. That one had an end date, guess what another driver went of sick so yet again another contract to sign!! went there for what should have been 2 weeks ended up staying for 3 months. Just had my call up papers again and start back there sometime in September date yet to be confirmed, good for the bank account though!



Thanks for that but going back to my question is there anyway an employer can end the contract early?

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[quote user="Ladoix"]In France it is actually illegal to start work without a signed contract in effect, the opposite to the UK whereas when you have started work you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the contract.


That's worrying Who is the one liable the boss for not handing over a contract or the one working for starting early?

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[quote user="Mareille"][quote user="Ladoix"]In France it is actually illegal to start work without a signed contract in effect, the opposite to the UK whereas when you have started work you are deemed to have accepted the terms of the contract.


That's worrying Who is the one liable the boss for not handing over a contract or the one working for starting early?


That's an interesting angle, from my, (the employee)  point of view I am working in good faith (what standing that has in French law I have no idea! insurance, accident at work??) but I would hazard a guess that the employer would probably be in bigger trouble than you if the "inspecteur du travaille" did a spot visit My contract was signed (although a week or so late) but with the correct dates etc. but for me being English I have grown up in a working environment where no contract was issued although you were entitled to ask for one if your wished so it doesn't ring alarm bells with me, perhaps it should!.


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Thanks for that but going back to my question is there anyway an employer can end the contract early?

That I am not sure of, but I would guess that if you have a definitive start date and end date then I would say they are committed to honour those dates. Judging by the amount of effort put into them making sure you have (both) signed a contract would indicate that you should be pretty safe for that period, obviously you must read your contract carefully. I have only had very short contracts so far so as long as I didn't commit a "faute grave" (think that is the expression) then they are stuck with me and would have to come to an amicable arrangement for you to finish early, the exception being trial period (in my case 10days). My Daughters boyfreind (french) has just signed a  CDI but there is a clause for trial which is considerably longer, 6 months I think, where they can get rid if you are not up to or can't perform your duties.


Pambon where are you when we need you ?? :-))))  [:)] oopps might be on the wrong forum !!!

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