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I am sure this subject has featured many times before.  What things from the UK do the French like?  We live near the Potteries in England and we can get really nice seconds pottery from the best factory shops - Famous names like Aynsley, Doulton, Spode etc.  We can also get nice crystal and other items.  The prices we can get them for are quite good and would be better if we bought in bulk. Emma Bridgewater is also in the area and she is very popular.

My view is that the French like most things that involve dining.  What type of pottery do they tend to like.

Are there any other things that they like from England.

We want to take some things over and try to test the market in preparation for a possible permanent busines to allow us to make the big move.

I have read about the process for getting the permit and card and getting the pitch (most crucial).. I imagine the regime would need to be an auto entrepreneur.

Any thoughts gratefully received.

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