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Earning from the computer


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Hi, Does anyone have any knowledge of earning money from the computer at home.  I am  a Regional Business Manager with a range of busines and computer skills.  I have heard of companies who sometimes need people to work from home to do audit/accounts and all sorts of other computer related work.  This could provide a useful inome source.

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108 million hits and most of them likely to be get rich quick scams.

Being realistic the main problem is finding your market. Working at home as a consultant is difficult without also factoring in face-to-face meetings. Are you looking for UK or other anglophone customers or is your French good enough to work with local customers?

I'd expect that a lot of UK business skills are not transportable to France, due to different accounting standards and suchlike. As for 'computing skills' you need to define them a bit better -- are you talking about a typical manager's acquaintance with Excel or can you do stuff like design relational databases?


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