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First AE income return


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Hi all,

We registered our Chambres D'Hotes this year under the AE scheme from the first May.

As it's coming to the end of July I think we will have to submit our first income declaration (quarterly), we have looked at "Net- entreprise" to do it on-line.

Has anyone got experience of doing it this way ?

How will we know how much to pay ?

If we don't do it on-line will they automatically send us a bill or form to complete ?

Hope someone is able to offer some information and help with this.

Thank you for now.

Kind Regards Mel.

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Yes, I used net-entreprises while I was AE. Once you've set yourself up, you just add up your gross income and enter it on the relevant page. The system calculates the cotisation due and advises you when it will be taken from your bank account. I wasn't eligible to pay tax online with the cotisations so perhaps someone else can help you with that, but I should think it would calculate that too.

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If you register and pay online it is dead simple. You just add up your total income between the specified dates, type the figure into the online déclaration form, and the amount that will be debited to your account immediately pops up onscreen. Your account is all set up for you so it automaticcally calculates it at the correct percentage. You can print the form off, but you also get an email confirmation, and the direct debit is taken on the due date. Works for me.

I also get an email prompting me when it is time to submit the quarterly déclaration (had one a couple of weeks back).

If you don't do it on line, yes you can get a form to fill in - of course if you do that you have to do the maths yourself.

I'm not sure you would need to pay just yet though, when I registered it seemed ages before my first declaration was due. I have a feeling that if you start mid-quarter, you don't make your first déclaration until the end of your first COMPLETE quarter, i.e. you would have been going for a quarter and a bit. But I could be wrong on that.
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Thanks Judie and Eurotrash,

All sounds very straightforward, going to register with "net enterprise" tomorrow and been told it usually takes 48 hours for the registration to come through from them on-line.

Many thanks for the prompt replies and info, much appreciated.

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[quote user="EuroTrash"] I have a feeling that if you start mid-quarter, you don't make your first déclaration until the end of your first COMPLETE quarter, i.e. you would have been going for a quarter and a bit. But I could be wrong on that.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure the rule is that you declare and pay at the first end of quarter following the 90th day after you register. This means that unless you registered at the very beginning of May you will need to declare at the end of Q3, i.e. the end of October for all turnover up to the end of September.


  • En cas de début d'activité, quand vais-je payer mes premières cotisations ?

    Le premier paiement de vos cotisations et contributions sociales (y compris votre versement libératoire de l'impôt sur le revenu) intervient après un délai minimum de 90 jours suivant la date de début d'activité.

    Périodicité trimestrielle
    La première déclaration trimestrielle porte sur la période comprise entre le début d'activité et la fin du trimestre civil qui suit.
    Exemple :

    début d'activité

    1ere période déclarée

    1er paiement

    01 février 2011

    Du 1 février au 30 juin

    31 juillet

    10 juillet 2011

    Du 10 juillet au 31 décembre

    31 janvier 2012

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Hi Albert (TIG),

Read your thread with interest and it looks as if it will be the end of october, going to register with "net-entreprise" today so might find they send me some info about the first payment ?

Thanks for all the info.

Kind Regards Mel.
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