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Back to work

Paul Gandy

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I have been in Dordogne for 6 months renovating my house and a big barn into two cottages. We decided to do the cottages first to be ready for this summer but alas we have not made our target and it seems we will have to open later... Not a big problem. However now that the rush is off and we can take a little more time getting things ready I am looking towards maybe taking on some part time work so as not to eat into the budget we have set aside to renovate our house while we wait for our income to start..

I am not a builder by trade however there isnt anything I haven't done from roofing to electrics whilst here in france when turning the barn into cottages.

I was wondering weather there was anyone out there who was tempted to take on a job but thought they might need a little help and muscle... If so many hands make lighter work.

As I said I am not a builder but incredibly handy ( you can visit my work )and armed with everything from a Kango to a cement mixer the works...so if you need a little help for a little fee.... email me...

I am inbetween Riberac and Perigueux and dont mind travellig 75km
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I know these threads can sometimes get out of hand but I am genuinely interested in your situation Phil, so I have to ask the question, which is in no way intended to be provocative! - are you registered to work in France? If so how can you afford to work only part-time & cover all the costs involved? I was in the building game in the UK & have been living here for 7 months now. We have enough to do just now with our own renovations, but eventually I'm going to have to work & the apparent costs involved really worry me.

If you're not a registered artisan do you know of a cheaper way of setting your self up in business, which allows people to work part-time & still keep the authorities happy. I presume, like me, you'll be doing multi-trade jobs.

thanks for any help you can give
best wishes
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Phil, if you visit the local ANPE and look under the building vacancies section I am sure you may find something to suit you. We have just recently took on two young single men with only limited building experience and they have both prooven to be willing and able. HOWEVER, the downside of being employed is that you will have to have a compulsory medicale, a contract and you may only be paid the SMIC rate. The upside is that your new employer will have to pay health,pension,retirement,unemployment,social security and more for you,so he will be looking for someone who is worth paying this for, I know from running a business in France all the payments and problems. Don't forget too that we all work either 35 or 39 hours in France and overtime is offered anymore because it incurrs extra charges of 10% on everything after 4 hours (39 hour week), then 25%,50% and 100% which absolutely NO ONE will pay because the charges are prohibitive. If you cannot speak fluent french you may scrape by,but building tecniques are different here and you would have to learn the trade lingo to know what you have to do. There is an old saying " You don't ask, you don't get"
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Thank you to everyone who has answered my posting....

I must just say I am not a builder and at the end of the day I dont want to be a builder. I do not want to set myself up in business either. I just want to help other people and earn a few bob whilst I wait for the following summer to come along as I am too late to open for this summer. I wanted to work for 2 or 3 days a week just to put bread on the table and stop me spending the second half of my budget which is intended for my house renovation.
I dont want to step on anyones toes I just want to labour for someone and of course if I can help with some know how I will.

I renovated a cottage in the UK and now I am renovating 2 more and a house for us to live in so I have a lot of know how. If you need help for a relatively small fee...then email ME...


Anyone can visit my works here in Dordogne and see what I have done or in the middle of doing to be sure that I do know my stuff.
Its as easy as that...
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