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Whist still living in the Uk we own a house in France which is not occupied, we visit from time to time and carry out some renovations, the house is not habitable.

We have recieved (posted to the UK) what appears to be our equivilent of a rates bill of 150 Euros, can any one advise if this bill is still payable even though the property is unoccupied and not capable of being occupied.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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We also have a house that is being renovated (south 24) and have received a Taxes Foncieres bill at our current address in the UK.

Our amount payable is €653.

Is it worth questioning this?

We have had the property for 18 months and have lived in it for a total of 14 days.

Any advice gratefully received,

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Makes no difference whether you live in the property or not,you still have to pay these charges. Foncières is a community charge and goes towards paying for roadworks,drainage,schooling,street lighting and so on and on... You don't say how large your property is and this reflects the charges too. Full time residents get a reduced rate. In some areas where there are more holiday homes than full time residents,the local trésor public and councils have even debated charging more taxes to cover the cost of absentee property owners because full time residents bring much more into the local economies and keep the schools and businesses going which holiday home owners don't.
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