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Fire wood / logs for sale in 86 (16/79 border)


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Not sure where to put this, but since there are a lot of queries about heating in here, I'll put it here!

Our neighbour is moving in March and she has 7 stere of wood to sell (I've already bought 3, but don't think we need any more).  It is very dry and ready for use.  They are in 1 metre lengths and vary considerably in diameter (from about 4cm up to about 15cm - tho some are huge!).  She's wanting 45€ / stere.  She also has one of those fancy log cutting machines.  Looks a bit old but she assures me it is working order - 180€.  I would buy it myself, but I use a chainsaw and can't really justify another saw!

Anyone interested, PM me.


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Not that I can find at least!  I paid over 55€ locally for one stere for wood that isn't even dry, so I can't use it until next year.  As with most things in France, you pay pretty much the going rate for everything no matter what!  Maybe she would do a deal for all of it, but knowing the French they'd probably rather waste the time moving it to their new place and keep it sitting around for 10 years until they get the price they want rather than give it away cheap! - although personally I don't think the price is bad.

As much as the log cutter would be useful, I just can't justify spending out another 180€ on toys :-)  I already bought their rotavator!


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[quote user="chris pp"]

Hi Matt, re the price, I'm just up the road from you, you are being ripped of, believe me.

Between €100 & €125 a cord is the going rate in the area you are in, dry and delivered.



And that is really cheap compared to here - 180-240€/corde.

Maybe I'll come down with my trailer....


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Well I won't be buying any from the place I got mine from again that's for sure - regardless of the price!  I object to them delivering wood I can't use for a year.  I'd go and complain, but to be honest it was only 1 stere and I can't be bothered now that I've got the wood from my neighbour to use this year.  I paid 135€ for a cord(e?) from my neighbour so not a million miles out - and I like the fact that I can cut them myself to any size I like.  I cut the smaller ones into 3's and the larger ones in half - the mix suits our fire well.

Where we were before (about 20 mins away) we could buy a corde for under 100€ from the commune (tho that was a couple of years ago) but our commune here doesn't seem to offer that.  The place I ordered 1 stere from wanted 165€+ for a corde (I don't understand why they bothered to quote the price separately as it was just 3 x 1 stere - you would have thought there would be a discount for buying in bulk??!)


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A cord in UK is 8ft x 4ft x 4ft, 128 ft sq, in cubic metreage about 3,6. A corde here is four stere or four cubic metres, 180 euro per cord of dried timber is a fair price, if the timber has been dried for more than a few years, that increases its value.

Matt, 45 euro per stere is a fair price given that it's very well dried,  as timber prices will be increasing I wouldn't sell for any less personally...not that I sell firewood.

The calorific value of firewood is interesting me auld Saus, my preference is Beech given it's lack of sapwood, I'm on open grown Beech at the mo, it's good dense timber, it's been dried for 2 1/2 years in good storage conditions, ignites easily, burns hot and lasts very well.

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I'm in a much poorer area than you chaps, it's heavily forested. Forty five euros for a stere of good clean Oak here, well dried (two years in correct conditions) is a fair price. The timber has to be felled, cut to length, split, stacked, covered, transported etc, etc.

Do you wear all of the appropriate safety clothing Chris? Who taught you to fell? Just interested.

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Typically ambiguous when challenged PP, I completely understand folk not wanting to pay more for the safety gear than they did for the saw itself.

Would you please assure Mat that a cord is four stere/cubic metres and he's not being ripped off and that your information was incorrect?

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Chrises - I have to agree with both of you! 

When I went to buy the wood from the local supplier around here he said a corde was 3 stere.  'Tho it does vary - in Ardenne it is 2 stere!

I don't think 45 € / stere is a bad price at all - it is good quality, very dry wood that has been properly stored for a number of years.  Especially given that 1 mile away I paid 55€ / stere for wood that I can't even use until I've dried it out.  I know wood varies in price - 20 miles away where we used to be I could buy it cheaper from the commune, but right here where we are now I can't!  Even according to Chris pp's own post, he said 100-125 € / corde was about the rate around here - then 10 € more for good stuff isn't exactly a 'rip off' is it?!

I'm not even trying to sell the wood!!  I'm just passing the information on in case anyone in the area is interested as I don't really need the 7 stere of wood she has left!  If people think it is too much they won't buy it, if they think it is a good price they might be happy to pick up a load of decent wood!  All I know is that I was more than happy with the price, and that it lights & burns very well - certainly better than the stuff we bought from the commune (cheap) that I've had in storage for 3 years.


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A corde of firewood is four metres long, in lengths of one metre to a height of one metre Chris whether it be in St Tropez or Calais. I know there isn't a textbook for you on this one Chris, you are wrong and you're delivering misinformation that could cause folk who are reading this to feel that they're being ripped off....as you've stated, or being treated badly, when in fact they are being treated fairly.
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From the great reference in the ether... http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Corde_%28unit%C3%A9%29

P.S. Chris H - had a look at your website - great stuff, I wish I had the money to commission you to build a bench to go around the big tree in our front garden - maybe in a few years you might hear from me!

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[quote user="chris pp"]

Nope, round here it's 3 cu metres and I'm not being ambiguous, I always answer with the truth, I wear gloves and steel toe caps and ordinary outside gear, it's my life and no one else is at risk, sauf moi.



So Chris...with your extensive and expert knowledge of the countryside, would you recommend that DIY chainsaw users follow your example of 'I know best'?  Bearing in mind this is a public forum and you're seen as being 'Mr I know all about the countryside', don't you think you're being just a wee bit irresponsible?

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