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[quote user="Pancake"]If you give a house to a notaire to sell,how do they do it.Do they take people to see it or do they get an agent to do it .? How do they set up the fee's and who pays them,buyer or seller.?[/quote]

The notaires we've used (brothers in practice together) list houses for sale.  They look at the house, give the seller a valuation, show the house to prospective buyers, and handle all the paperwork and money transfers.  I think there's a set fee schedule (that is, set by the notaires association); fees are paid by the buyer.

I've heard stories about people having problems with unscrupulous or incompetent notaires, but the guys we've used (only as buyers, but we know people who've used them as sellers) are very capable and have a high repute in our area.  What they are not, is particularly fast or communicative (on our last purchase, the seller wrote us that the sale had closed long before we heard from the notaire).

I'd much rather buy/sell through a notaire than through an immobilier, but that's just my opinion.

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Although Notaires add a selling fee to their standard Notaires fee,they are usually much cheaper than Immo's who add on average another 8%. When selling through an agent this can add  an extra 16% for the buyer to pay on top of the selling price that the Vendor gets. I.m amazed that with the turnover of houses today and the price increase of the property's as opposed to 10-15 years ago,the Immo's haven't drastically reduced their fee. I have seen the odd one or two who charge 3-4%.

Average house price around here of 300.000E that gives the Immo a nice little earner of 24.000E.


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Of course buying through a Notaire saves on immobilier fees for the purchaser.

However as someone who has long-term experience of the law UK wise I can tell you that the Notaires in France are under fire from the EU and hopefully their strangle hold on conveyancing (our term not theirs) will shortly come to and end.

If a seller and an immobilier gets you the best price then still it is the Notaire that puts the pieces together.  If a buyer and pure commercialism gets you the best price what part did the Notaire have in that?

Of course I would agree that any deposit monies should go normally to Notaires for in reality its going to the fifth republic. However Immobiliers also are able to accept monies and have guarantees behind them but its something about that so called brass plaque outside Notaires that makes me feel that monies should go to them.

However we in the UK have allowed EDF to buy up some of our utilities but of course we cannot get our hands on reciprocal business here.  Notaires are a monopoly and probably it will continue.  Again it seems that EDF are going to develop our new generation of nuclear power stations?

Still off track.


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Gastines had this conversation this morning with my wonderful Experte Comptable.

You should with respect compare the system here in France with the UK.

By way of example throughput here is lower than the UK overheads are higher than the UK social security charges are huge values are lower.

That is why charges are higher and if you take apart 24000 euros bit by bit then I think you would be amazed.

Slightly off tangent again but the Avocat system here is painfully slow and if I had to work within it then I would be pulling my hair out for some of their plain and simple cases take years to resolve.

Back in the UK (and we are not) the guys in wigs would have one in their chambers and hand down deadlines and you would have to comply.  I have been to the various tribunals in Coutances and it is Whitehall and Brian Rix.

Still I live here not in the UK but have to comply when I am back in the UK with its system and I know which I prefer law that is.

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