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I think I'm right in thinking that EDF read my meter in December (twice a year), this was about 150 euros higher than usual which I thought was a catch up.  In February I found my bill almost identical and estimated - can't possibly have used that much and wonder if they have estimated it on the higher bill in December?

Don't want this to happen again - how do I submit my readings and when can I do it?  I have bi-monthly bills.

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You can register on EDF's website to provide your own reading.

The service is called "Service Relevé Confiance" and you'll need to register online to subscribe.

Once you've registered, you'll receive a reading request about 10 days before the bill is due to be sent.

You then read your meter and either mail the reading, use the automated phone service or enter it online.

The bill you receive later is based on your reading.

If the reading is not sent on time, the bill will be based on an estimate.

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But if they can't gain access to the meter, then they usually insist on an actual reading every year, though we have gone as far as two years without an "actual". I think that if they have to make a special visit they now make a charge.


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[quote user="BJSLIV"]

But if they can't gain access to the meter, then they usually insist on an actual reading every year, though we have gone as far as two years without an "actual". I think that if they have to make a special visit they now make a charge.[/quote]

I think they are obliged to read it every so often so shouldn't be charging for it. Unless that is they have been and nobody was home of course [:)]

My meters (house and barn) are externally accessible and the bills show 2 estimates followed by an actual. This was before I started doing it online.

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They send me a letter for each meter (2 meters = 2 letters) about a month before the reading date.

The letter states the time slot of the visit (between 9:30 and 12 for example) and also gives the opportunity to arrange another date or slot if necessary.

I was expecting a reading last month but the time slot came and went and we had to go out. So I left a note on the door and when we came back, there was a pre-paid card asking me to take my own reading and send it.

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  • 1 month later...

I contacted EDF recently (on their English language email facility) to enquire about getting an external meter installed as we are not always there when the meters are being read. I received the following reply which might be of interest;

''To set up  the"boitier" which anables us to read the meter outside , we suggest you to wait.
 From 2010 will fitting our customers with SMART meters, which we can read at distance.''

Best regards
Simple Energy with EDF Pro Team

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That's very interesting and timely information for us, Toni. Many thanks. [:D] We're in the middle of an email correspondence with EDF at the moment (in French, as I didn't realise they have an English language email facility) about the possibility of getting an external meter installed.  We are never at our second home in May and November when the meter reader comes and we have been told it would cost 29.95 euros to have a special visit when we are there in the summer. EDF seem quite happy just to have us read the meter ourselves and send in the card.  In fact they have never actually read the meter since just after we bought the house in 2003, probably because our consumption is pretty low and we are on direct debit.

So we will now probably sit tight and wait for EDF to make the first move next year....

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When I called their English speaking line to reduce the amount they wanted to bill us each month we also spoke about meter readings. I was told that with our house we never needed to be available to let them in as they could read it remotely. I presume this is because it is new house with a new meter/power distribution board.

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It might be quite a wait for your new meter.

The programme for replacing old meters with the new intelligent one starts in Tours and Lyons next year. The roll-out for the rest of the country is supposed to be completed by 2020.


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