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Complete France Forum

tawny owl

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Everything posted by tawny owl

  1. Thanks for all the thoughts and ideas..we are going to France soon and will be trying them out ..very Challenging. We are in Meyronne
  2. Living in England and now that our house has sold need to clear everything when we come to France in the next few weeks but wondering how? Be very grateful for any advice or contacts please.
  3. Does this offer only apply to a day trip or can you just use it to go over?
  4. Thanks for your directions. Our builder uses Point P a lot(he goes over from England ) but as you confirmed, he said they were expensive. He is going over in March so I will have time to look into prices etc before then Thank you again
  5. Hi we need to buy some floor tiles and are in the Lot near Martel. As they are heavy its not a good idea to bring them from England. Can anyone advise us of where best to go? Thanks
  6. I seem to have problems responding through the site to pms. We are leaving home on Sunday
  7. Hi we need to stay the night of Thursday 22nd October and will need to be at the tunnel around 4.30 -5.00pm Thanks
  8. Hi we need an overnight stay 1/2 way ish between Souillac and Eurotunnel. We also have 2 dogs. Need to be able to get comfortably there for 5pm Big Thanks
  9. Thanks my husband is flying home on Friday so I will get him to look into it. The site has saved me so much time searching. Also recomendation is 100% better. Thanks again
  10. Big thanks to all those kind people who answered my post I booked my husband into B&B I am sure he will be pleased  Thanks again
  11. Big thanks, unfortunatly I got a bit muddled up in the sites and the maps are a bit confusing could you recomend one which is close and best rate and I will go for it. Thanks again
  12. Need to stay 1 night as close as possible to Airport as early flight Could anyone recomend a reasonable place.? Big Thanks
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